Jose Mourinho is no longer manager for Manchester United. It’s the correct decision but I did not see it coming now to be honest. I feel a bit shocked actually- and a bit happy and sad at the same time?! Obviously it was going to happen, the last six months has been awful. And I’ve written many times that all of the problems won’t go away if Mourinho leaves, but when results are non existence he’s the first one to go. It was also obvious that he had lost the dressing room. So of course, it was just a matter of time..
My phone went crazy when it got announced, I was holding my phone and watched it the second it was official, and I know my friends only wanted to inform me but I’m not joking when I say I got 100 messages in a minute. That didn’t exactly calm me because I was shocked and stressed over the news! Haha
I still remember the day United appointed him as our new manager, I was buzzing and I believed it was the right decision. I wanted him to succeed badly but unfortunately he didn’t. He played a big part in his downfall but his nowhere near to be the only problem, I feel he was the right man at the wrong time. No one would succeed when the board doesn’t back you in transfers and big ego players got an attitude against you. That part makes me feel sad for Jose, I’m 100% sure he wanted United to succeed.
It’s still very fresh, and I probably won’t ‘understand’ it before our next game on Saturday against Cardiff. But I feel relieved now. It can’t get any worse so I’m excited for what’s next. It’s a step in the right direction.. For me, losing against Liverpool is the worst feeling in the world, but I didn’t care. The joy of watching United is gone. No passion from the players and a manager without a plan. So now I’m feeling optimistic for the first time in ages and that’s a good thing, I’ve missed that. The players can’t blame it on Mourinho anymore so they better be ready to work their ass off from now on.
Thank you for all the good memories Jose. Unfortunately it didn’t work out and it’s goodbye from your Red and White Army now. All the best.
It’s really not fun to be a United supporter these days. I’m an ‘all or nothing person’ and with United I’m all in, that will never change. But I have to admit it’s hard these days. Not because we lose games, not because we’re not top of the league. It’s because we’re in what I feel a hopeless situation. There is no quick fix for our club and for each day that goes by, it seems like we’re deeper and deeper into our own shit.
My last blogpost was ahead of Juve and City. You can’t really get a tougher week than facing those two teams away. It’s hard for any team, any day. But we won in Turin and it was amazing. It’s those nights I live for, and to fight back after the whole world has written you off and want you to lose, man, no feeling in the world is better than that. I can live on that for a long time. But City certainly brought me quickly enough back to reality. We are just not good enough to face the best teams, we got outclassed and it was fully deserved. And that wasn’t really a surprise, but I honestly thought the weeks after would be easier.
Finally United was back at home ground and playing Crystal Palace should be great right? Bring some positivity back. The result, 0-0 at Old Trafford is more upsetting than being humiliated by the corrupt City team. No apologies in the world is good enough, the only one who gets approved is Lindelof, he fought for his team like a hero. If every player on the pitch that day did that he could have come off earlier and we could manage being one man down. Another shit result and another injury.
Young Bous; we did the job. Won the game, three points and qualified to the knockout stages in the Champions League. Hurray! We all should be happy now?
Well, I can only speak for myself, but this is the first game- ever- I seriously doubted EVERYTHING. The game against Crystal Palace was horrible but this game was the final drop. A mate described it perfectly and I stand behind those words 100%: ‘there is no joy any longer at Manchester United. No joy from the manager, no joy from the players and no joy for the supporters. Just joyless.’
Joyless. That’s the word. A word I NEVER thought I’d be using to describe my club. It’s gone too far now and changes has to happen now. Even if everything would be the managers fault, the players are not doing their job either. They have a duty to entertain, no matter what the starting Xl would be, our team are good enough to win against the smaller team. The tactics and the line-up is on Mourinho, I don’t agree on what he does at all sometimes. But it’s clearly that the players doesn’t support him. If they did they would give a little effort. So it may be all the players fault, but it will be the head of the boss that will roll. Because that’s how it is. It’s always the manager that has to leave when things goes wrong. Right now I just want to feel some positivity, be entertained. It will be a very interesting game tonight because of the players understand the seriousness they will try. If they want Mourinho they wont. If we lose today afraid he will be sacked. I know the bastards on the top may wait until too 4 is out of the picture so they can save some money, but if they want him out and that’s the plan I want it to happen now. I still believe that’s not gonna change everything. But do it now rather than when it’s too late.
I just landed in rainy Manchester and I got mixed feelings about tonight’s game. Of course I want us to win, but it won’t be easy. The thing I hate most now is that every team arrives to Old Trafford with the feeling that they will win this. It’s us that’s insecure- on our own home ground?! That’s f… crazy.
It’s hard for us now, I’m trying to be optimistic or at least try make the situation feel a little bit better for all us red and I’m gonna end this post with saying that even though it’s hard now, we all feel a little low. But there’s no better feeling than being a RED.
Nei, nå er det ikke mye moro om dagen. Jeg snakker selvfølgelig om mitt kjære United og at et fotball-lag skal bety så mye er ikke bare-bare for meg. Jeg er en ‘alt eller ingenting person’ og når det kommer til United så er det utvilsomt alt. Jeg gir alt jeg kan som supporter. Og det kommer jeg alltid til å gjøre, men jeg må innrømme at slik tilstanden til klubben er nå så er det helt jævlig. Jeg tåler å tape kamper, møte motstand i lang tid. Det er ikke det, det er håpløsheten jeg sitter med.
Sist jeg blogget så var det en utrolig tøff uke for United. Juventus og City borte er heftig for hvilket som helst lag. Men vi klarte å vinne i Turin, noe som ga meg en sårt etterlengtet lykkefølelse. Det er nettopp de kveldene der jeg lever for, det er fantastisk å kunne slå tilbake når hele verden hadde på forhånd avskrevet United og ønsket at vi skulle tape. Seieren smaker enda bedre da og jeg hadde forhåpninger om at dette ville gi gutta litt ekstra selvtillit mot City borte. Men nei.. Den kampen tapte vi fortjent og vi ble avkledd. United beviste at de ikke er gode nok, City er dessverre milevis foran oss.
Og etter den helvetesuka der vi klarte en seier skulle det liksom bli lettere. Endelig en hjemmkamp mot et svakt lag. Som ender 0-0- på Old Trafford. Det er så trist at jeg har ikke ord. Det er INGEN unnskyldninger som er gode nok for et slikt resultat. Eneste som skal få skryt er Lindlôf, han kjempet som en helt til siste slutt og viste at han ville ofre alt for laget. Hadde frysninger av å se han kjempe mot smertene for å kunne hjelpe laget, hadde resten av spillerne gjort jobben sin kunne han ha fått går av før og vi trygt kunne spilt med en mindre mann. Et dritt resultat og en ny skade der vi har det som verst allerede.
Mot Young Boys skulle vi sikre avansement i Champions League noe jeg ikke var redd for siden vi tross alt var på hjemmebane og greier. Og vi vant kampen. Det er ALLTID deilig med en seier i Fergie-time og naboene trodde sikkert jeg ble drept siden jeg skreik så mye, men vi trengte det målet og jeg forstår godt ‘feiringen’ eller hva man skal kalle det Mourinho gjorde for selv om det er alltid er godt med mål og seier så var jeg forbanna. Jeg har støttet Mourinho så lenge, men dette var første kampen jeg tenkte at nok er nok. Man kan si mye, men en venn skrev noe som jeg stiller meg 100% bak; det er gledesløst å se United. Det er null glede å spore hos manageren, fra spillerne og definitivt for oss supportere. Og jeg kan ikke beskrive det bedre enn det. Selv om vi vant kampen så var jeg langt fra glad. Og når jeg sitter med den følelsen har det gått for langt. Jeg er faktisk lei meg når jeg tenker over hele situasjonen. Jeg har sagt min mening om Mourinho før, og jeg står fortsatt for det, ting vil ikke løse seg om han får sparken. Men nå ser jeg ingen annen utvei. Og det er så jævla trist at fotballen er blitt som det her.
Hovedproblemet i mine øyne er at United ikke spiller som et lag. Vi har så mange gode spillere, men de ser ikke sine egne styrker og svakheter og det er null samspill. De har ingen plan. Kanskje det er en del av Mourinhos skyld? Absolutt en sjanse for det.. Men spillerne har en plikt til å gjøre jobben sin når de spiller kamp og det kan jeg helt ærlig ikke si det får bestått på. Det er ikke Mourinho sin skyld at de ikke klarer å vinne mot bunnlagene, det er på spillerne sin kappe. De kampene skal vi vinne uansett hva slags filosofi eller laguttak manageren gjør. De støtter ikke sjefen sin. Det er soleklart. Enkelte spillere fortjener ‘en lusing’, bot og til og med sparken for en slik oppførsel, men vi alle vet hvilken vei det går og den det går utover er Mourinho. Han er ‘ansvarlig’ og selv om det ikke nødvendigvis er det rette så er det han som må gå. Og med tap mot Arsenal så er jeg redd for at det blir hans siste kamp for United..
Det som er sykt er at ALLE lag kommer nå til Old Trafford med selvtillit. Og vi supportere står der og er redde. Fy faen, det er det tristeste av alt. I morgen drar jeg igjen til Manchester for å oppleve nok en storkamp. Men jeg er langt fra optimistisk. Jeg tror Jose ryker om vi taper, jeg tror spillerne skjønner det og.. Så det blir en meget interessant kamp, vil spillerne kjempe for seier da?
Dere som er faste lesere vet jo at jeg prøver å være optimistisk. Akkurat nå er det ikke mye å juble for, men jeg kan avlutte med at tross det, så finnes det ingen bedre følelse enn å være RØD!
New week, new games! Two big games ahead of us with Champions League tomorrow night and derby on Sunday. It’s two very important games for United and we need to win them both. I saw the poll RedArmyBet had on Twitter, would you take two draws against Juventus and City if you were offered it now? I will never answer yes on that, I expect United to play for a win every single time. 51% agreed with me, but we know it’s different times now when 49% said they would take two draws..
United need to improve drastically this week, we cannot expect to turn the game around if we’re under against Juventus or City. You all know what I think about our defense and the game on Saturday was again a failure at that point. The first half was a disaster to be honest. It was some really good football just before Martials goal and that’s about it. I’m always happy for a win, and a late winner like that is amazing- but also frustrating because United should be better!
I really like the ‘French connection’ at the moment and I hope we get to see more of that and Martial, Alexis and Rash from start this week. Lukaku need to understand you have to play at your best and deliver, which he unfortunately haven’t done lately. So resting him and let other start is a good choice at the moment.
Uniteds squad is definitely filled with lots of talent, but the problem with the attack in my eyes are that it’s so predictable. You can ‘read’ their next move. So that is also a reason to not play Lukaku from start. And when we’re talking about rest, Matic need to be benched now. I must bring a bad luck to players when I buy shirts because he’s been really poor lately. We can’t afford playing with a sloppy midfield now. I hope we start with Herrera tomorrow, he played a big part in the second half against Bournemouth.
This is the most difficult week so far this season for United and I hope the win this weekend has given the boys fresh motivation. I kind of have the same feeling now and when we played Juventus at home, I was feeling a bit optimistic. We lost that game, but the football was at times very very good so fingers crossed for another good game that ends with a win to United!
An early start as we face Bournemouth in under two hours. I love an early kick off (if we win) and it’s a lot of good games on tonight so let’s hope United continues the good work and we’re going home with three points.
MARTIAL. Well deserved! I’m a big fan when he works hard, he’s world class level when he plays like he’s done in October and hard work pays off. He absolutely should start tomorrow and I can’t see why he won’t deliver against Bournemouth so I think it will be a good match.
With that said, I actually wanted Lindelöf to win the award, just because he’s taken massive steps forward and really delivered lately. If this continues he may get back his old nickname ‘Iceman’ and we desperately need some stability in the defense.
I’m really excited for the game now, I think it’s gonna be an entertaining game actually and my prediction is 3-0(!) to United! I hope Mourinho rest Lukaku and Matic and let Herrera and Sanchez start the game, with Martial as lw and Lingard on the right.
Follow me on Instagram annmari_olsen and Snapchat annmariolsen for more previews before the game.
An early start as we face Bournemouth in under two hours. I love an early kick off (if we win) and it’s a lot of good games on tonight so let’s hope United continues the good work and we’re going home with three points.
MARTIAL. Well deserved! I’m a big fan when he works hard, he’s world class level when he plays like he’s done in October and hard work pays off. He absolutely should start tomorrow and I can’t see why he won’t deliver against Bournemouth so I think it will be a good match.
With that said, I actually wanted Lindelöf to win the award, just because he’s taken massive steps forward and really delivered lately. If this continues he may get back his old nickname ‘Iceman’ and we desperately need some stability in the defense.
I’m really excited for the game now, I think it’s gonna be an entertaining game actually and my prediction is 3-0(!) to United! I hope Mourinho rest Lukaku and Matic and let Herrera and Sanchez start the game, with Martial as lw and Lingard on the right.
Follow me on Instagram annmari_olsen and Snapchat annmariolsen for more previews before the game.
So do you ever get use to losing? After Ferguson retired we havent exactly had the best time to put it in a nice way, and we should be used to losing games by now. But I just cant. After every loss Im disappointed and sad. The negative effect with social media is that every opinion gets out there and things are so easily blown up. Its now reached a level I cant cope with. Before it used to be fun and interesting getting online after a game to see peoples reactions, now its embarrassing and we as supporters are so split.
After Juventus, after yet a loss, Im still here today hoping and believe United will fight back. Before the game Tuesday I was prepared for a loss. If I wouldnt Id be naive, but I felt the atmosphere in the club had changed lately, that the spirit was there and the guys were ready to face Juve with a game face on. And they tried, but football is a game with two halves and it isnt good enough just showing up for the second. Today they must be ready from kick off. We desperately need three points.
Bringing my nephew over to Manchester for the first time defiantly did the trip to a good one even though we lost the game. Taking him to my favorite place in the world was amazing. Seeing the 12 year old walking toward Old Trafford is a memory Ill never forget. I can only imagine how I would have felt that young and seeing the Theatre of Dreams for the first time. Its so big, so much to see, it can take your breath away..
We walked around the stadium, took pictures and shopped in the megastore. After that we had dinner and visited Circus and the Tollgate before walking into the stadium early.
Unfortunately it didnt go our way, but we was there and we gave us support. Thats what we do.
This will be my third trip to Manchester this season, and definitely the most special one. I’m taking my youngest nephew over for the first time and we’re both crazy about Manchester United and also Ronaldo, so seeing this game with him live mean a lot. It will for sure be a memory for life for us both and I will try to make this trip very special for him.
We’re as we speak in the lounge at the airport in Oslo and we’re both so excited. Manchester United vs Juventus, what a game! It doesn’t get much bigger than this and I really love the big games. Late Champions League games at Old Trafford, ah, I get goosebumps thinking of it..
my first thought when we got Juve was that I’m going, and I’m wearing one of my Ronaldo shirts! But I got a text yesterday from a friend that made me insecure. She meant I really couldn’t wear that tomorrow. For me it’s a tribute to one of my all time favorite United players, to show him the respect and honor him in what most likely will be his last visit to Old Trafford. She said any other day, but not tomorrow. And I know he will do anything to win. So I really get her point too, and when I asked on Twitter most said no, don’t wear it. On Instagram most said yes 😂 so definitely different options on that. And those who knows me know I’ll do whatever I want anyway, I just agree on both options so it’s hard 😂🤔 To be sure I packed five shirts so I got options! No matter what shirt I’ll choose to wear, when Ronaldo walk on the pitch I’ll give him the best welcome ever, but when the whistle blows…it’s game time 😈
Will we win tonight? Juve is favorites, but as I said before Chelsea, you really don’t know what you get these days. I haven’t blogged since before Newcastle and OH MY GOD those games almost killed me. I got so much to say about everything that’s in the media, but I don’t have time to do that now and I’m staying positive! I’m prepared to lose tonight, but I hope the guys will give their all. I’m so happy for Martial and hope he starts tonight, I think it’s a perfect game for him.
Follow my Snapchat and Instagram, I’ll send love from Instagram later and I’ll try to take a lot of pictures!
‘Jose Mourinho has lost the confidence of the United board and will be sacked this weekend, regardless of the outcome of the game against Newcastle’.
If that turns out to be true, I’m ashamed of how our club is being run. It physically makes me ill on how they treat people if this is the case. I back Gary Neville 100% on his answer to it;
‘Jose will get the biggest support he’s ever had in his life tomorrow at that ground and I’ll be there to give it to him. If it’s true and it’s broken the day before, it’s an absolute disgrace. Where’s the values and principles of United?’
‘Enough is enough. I love that football club. It’s been my life and it’s given me everything. I’m not turning on my football club but something has to change and it isn’t the manager. It’s above that. I’m furious. It’s an absolute disgrace.’
A M E N !
‘All my staff stood by me, the players stood by me, you stood by me, and your job now is to stand by our new manager. That’s important.’
We all remember who said that, and he was talking to us. I agree and said this many times, Mourinho isn’t perfect. But sacking him now will lead to even more problems. I want United to win, every game. And every game I’ll support the manager.
It will be an interesting game, United need a win. I’ll repeat myself from what I said before last game; I just wanna see passion and effort.
‘Match day’ er normalt mitt favorittord og jeg gleder meg alltid til kamp. Men jeg skal ikke lyve, det er litt annerledes nå. Misforstå meg rett, jeg kommer alltid- uansett- til å støtte laget mitt. Det vil aldri forandre seg, men akkurat nå er det lite glede å spore.. Det er så mye feil med hvordan klubben vår blir styrt, presset er absolutt på Mourinho, men jeg står fortsatt fast ved at det er feil å sparke han nå. At klubben har problemer er ikke på Mourinho. Det er de over han som skal ta skylda for det. De som tenker mer på penger og profitt enn hva som er Manchester Uniteds DNA. Når de er fornøyde så lenge United kvalifiserer seg til Champions League spill, så lenge de får nye sponsorer og mest mulig penger ut av oss supportere så er det er noe alvorlig galt. De brys seg ikke om tradisjonene eller historien til klubben, men hva skal man forvente når de som styrer ikke har greie på fotball? Jeg er oppriktig bekymret om ting ikke forandrer seg.
Jeg sier ikke at Mourinho er perfekt, kanskje er han feil mann til å lede United, men det er uansett ikke riktig å kvitte seg med han nå. Jeg tør ikke tenke på det styret som vil skje da. Han trenger støtte fra både klubben og oss supportere nå. Og jeg ser heller spillere gå før han.
‘Ingen er større enn klubben’.
Det sitatet bør rippes inn på hver eneste plass i garderoben. Det er både flaut og trist å se hvordan enkelte spillere oppfører seg. De forstår ikke hvor stort det er å spille for United og da kan de dra. Vi trenger ikke urokråker som ikke er gira på å gi en innsats. Jeg vil se passion og at de blør for drakta.
Det er umulig å komme med forventninger foran kveldens kamp, fordi jeg er så usikker hvor store problemene er. Hvem vil kjempe for en seier? Vi vet aldri hva vi kan forvente av laget eller hva som skjer så det er vanskelig å spå.. Serien er vi for lengst ute av, men nå er det heldigvis Champions League og sesongens første hjemmekamp. Jeg elsker Champions League kvelder og jeg håper de som starter i kveld har riktig attitude. Det eneste jeg vil se er at de anstrenger seg og virkelig jobber for seier i kveld. Er det for mye å be om?
Match day is usually my favorite word and Im always excited to see United play. But I wont lie, its not the same anymore. Dont get me wrong, I will always support United, no matter what. But the joy is as we speak just not there. Theres so much thats wrong with how our club is working at the moment. The pressure is for sure on Mourinho, but I still mean its not the best option to sack him. Our club is in deep shit and its not because of Mou. Its the guys above him thats the problem. They think more of business and not football and whats Manchester Uniteds DNA. When theyre happy with just qualifying to the Champions League and getting most money out of us supporters rather than entertaining us and keeping United as the most winning team in England theres something seriously wrong. I dont mind spending all of my money on United, I will always buy the shirts and buy expensive flight tickets because I need to see United play at Old Trafford and I want to support them the best I can, but now Im not happy. Im fed up and Im also afraid of Uniteds future if this continues. Manchester United is owned by non football people who dont care about the clubs tradition. The problem starts there.
Im not saying Mourinho is perfect, he needs to change as well. But honestly, its not the right decision to sack him. He needs support from us and the club. I would rather see players go before him.
No one is bigger than the club
That statement should be written on the chairs to the players in the dressing room. Im embarrassed over the lack of passion and effort some of them shows. They dont understand how big it is to play for United. And if you dont understand and respect that, I can happily show them the door out myself.
So how am I feeling about tonight? Those who follow me knows Im optimistic. Maybe a bit too much. But I always believe and want to see the best in people, the same as United. But its impossible to give a prediction these days.. I simply dont know what to expect.. And I hate that feeling. Were way out in the league, thats for sure. But tonights its Champions League and hopefully the players will burst off the loss against West Ham and face tonights opponents with a fresh attitude. I want to see effort tonight.