Mine favoritt drakter/ my favorite shirts

                           English version further down 

Endelig folkens.. Endelig har jeg fått tak i mine to favoritt drakter! Det er umulig å bare velge èn- men disse to og hjemmedrakten fra ‘99 er mine soleklare favoritter!

Jeg vil først og fremst presisere at dette er ikke et kjøpt reklameinnlegg! Jeg får sykt mange meldinger fra de som følger meg og det er som regel United relatert og da går det enten på billetter og turer, eller drakter. Så dette innlegget er rett og slett bare for å hjelpe de som spør.

Jeg har samlet på drakter i nesten 15 år nå så samlinga har bygd seg fin og stor, men disse to har jeg lett lenge etter og vært grønn av misunnelse på de som er den lykkelige eier av noe så fint.

Så fant jeg endelig noen som hadde begge to, og de vil i tillegg dele ut TO valgfrie drakter til to av de som deltok i konkurransen på min siste post og det syntes jeg er så moro! Jeg sa det i min forrige post her, at jeg vil starte å gi tilbake til de som følger meg. Har man muligheten til det, så er det noe alle burde gjøre. Og de som følger meg vet hvor høyt jeg elsker mine kjære United drakter- jeg vil en dag telle opp og lage et eget innlegg, men det vil ta tid!

Som sagt, jeg får ikke betalt for det her, jeg håper de som følger meg stoler på min troverdighet når jeg skriver om noe. Det er en sjelden vare å stole på bloggere og influensere dessverre, deres jobb er å skrive om ulike produkter hver dag og det er vanskelig å stole på noen som reklamerer for fin hud og glansfullt hår når man samtidig har ansiktet fullt av Botox og håret er extensions, som dere ser så gjør ikke jeg slike reklamer. Jeg har denne bloggen for å dele tanker og opplevelser, ikke for å tjene penger på reklame. Det finnes et hav av nettsider som selger fotballdrakter og jeg har handlet av de aller fleste. Og de har hatt litt variabel kvalitet, men stort sett har jeg vært fornøyd så jeg skal ikke si at andre er dårligere. Men det er mye lettere å anbefale noen som jeg vet leverer bra nå, så det er derfor jeg skriver om en spesifikk side akkurat i dag. Jeg har tidligere postet mange innlegg om drakter så om folk vil finne noen andre jeg har handlet av så ligger det i arkivet her, men det er litt for stor jobb å samle alt. Jeg tagger alltid de jeg handler av også på Instagram for eksempel, fordi jeg vet jeg får mange spørsmål om det. Men siden jeg deler ut drakter fra disse i dag, og de er mine favoritter så fortjener de et eget innlegg!

Altså, kall meg en enkel sjel- men jeg blir oppriktig GLAD av å se på disse draktene. Og hvem minner det meg om? Jo, legendene i Manchester United, de som gjorde at jeg ble fan. Giggs, Cantona, Keane, Beckham.. Jeg gikk for min nummer en, Giggs, på begge draktene og jeg elsker de!

Nå har jeg bare vasket de en gang, men kvaliteten er bra. Stoffet er godt og mykt. Størrelsen går fra Small – XXL og jeg har Small og jeg vil si de er litt store. Jeg er 174 høy og bruker alt fra barnestørrelser og x-small til small- medium i drakter, og jeg vil si denne kunne også passet en medium dame, men siden det er herrestørrelser så er den nok en god small til menn.

Prisen er også betraktelig snillere enn hos den offisielle klubben. Nå kjøper jeg bare drakter til meg og Alex, men tenk en familie på 4 for eksempel, da må man opp i minst 5000kr for at alle skal få drakt. Det er ganske sykt.

En liten funfact er at jeg hadde siklet på denne drakta (den hvite og blå) siden ja, 1992 haha, den har alltid vært en av mine favoritter. Men umulig å finne… Så fant jeg endelig en, og jeg var så glad! (Se bildet under). Brukte den 4 kamper på rad, og gjett hva? United tapte jammen meg ALLE kampene så den drakta er rett og slett uflaks! Så jeg tør jo ikke bruke den igjen derfor har jeg ønsket meg ny siden Moyes-dagene og det er en god stund siden. (Og ja, selvfølgelig har jeg matchende skjørt- og jakke haha)

Disse draktene kan man foreløpig kun bestille på Instagram og kontoen heter @kit.lord_fc

Klikk på linken så kommer siden opp, det er helt trygt å bestille derfra og det tok noen uker å få de. De har også drakter til andre lag, og også for barn.

People! Let’s talk about shirts! I reckon you all know I’m a big geek when it comes to football shirts, every single shirt I own is special, it got its own history and it bring back lots of memories! And you can never have enough shirts, also, there’s nothing more sexy than a person in a classy United shirt. If you disagree, you are wrong 😂

So yeah, I’ve been collecting shirts in 15 years now so I’m proud over my selection! One day I’ll do a post about every single one, but that will take some time haha

My all time favorite shirt are the home shirt from ‘99. The style and design are so good, and to top it of with the biggest achievement in English football history it’s hard to beat that one. But these two beauties I’ve got my hands on now are my top 2 and 3 favorites! Easily.. Looking at them it brings back memories of our big legends, players that are the reason I’m a fan now.. Keane, CANTONA, Giggs, Beckham.. The list is long we all know all of them and using this shirt brings something extra to it. When I first got them I was so happy with them, I danced around in them at home and wouldn’t take them off.

Since my collection is pretty big, I get so many questions about where it’s bought etc and I wish I could answer them all but I can’t. I think I’ve ordered shirts from 30 different websites, from eBay and of course from I was younger. If you look back on my blog I have written about retro shirt many times, but it’s too much work bringing it all together in one post so this is the reason I’m talking about one specific website today because this is my new favorite store!

It’s only possible to order trough Instagram right now, but it’s 100% safe

This is men sizes so I guess they are true to size, but for me it was a little to baggy in a small, but I wear kid size to extra small to a small- medium, it all depends on how I want it so I prefer to have a lot to chose from and if it’s too big I tie it in a knot in my waist (life hack and thank you Chrissy for learning me😂)

The site is called @kit.lord_fc and they got all kinds of football shirts, training gear, all you can think of really.

And obviously it’s a “fake” shirt. These are not produced in the 90’s but honestly, I don’t care about that. The fabric is soft and good, I have washed them so the quality seems good as well. I’m not saying other webpages are bad, but I will never recommend something I know is bad or I wouldn’t have bought myself. As you can see, I wear these shirts a lot. A good argument is also that we don’t want to support the Glazers! You won’t believe how bad supporter I was made out to be in July because I renewed my season ticket and bought the new shirt!?! Well, one problem is solved now by supporting this small website and not the Glazers!

About being a blogger, in the public eye and abuse online

Ten years ago ‘everyone’ had a blog and they updated it 3-4 times a day if it was your job. It’s obvious other platforms have taken over now and many big influencers has stopped blogging. For me, even though I’ve had a blog contract for so long, this has always been my hobby. I post more often on Instagram and Twitter, but my blog is ‘my happy place’, a good place to be and to write.  I love to write, about everything that’s on my mind, get my thoughts down on paper(or on a screen) and just write free, explain and show you guys how I feel. I think the reason why many quits blogging after a while it’s because it’s hard work, you have to create content. For me it’s a bit different because I’ve never blogged with the intention of making money out of it, I blog because I love to share my passion about Manchester United, and as I’ve gained some followers who are genuine, good people who likes to follow my life, I also sometimes share special moments in my private life.

So yeah, my blog will stand for many years to come, we have Twitter who only allow so many words(140?) in a tweet and I’ve been misunderstood so many times there because it doesn’t allow you to write as much as you want. And Instagram is mainly about the pictures you post. That’s why I still love blogging. I can write whatever I want and get to explain how I feel, and also post as much pictures I want in one post.

I always say I’m gonna be better to update here, but it just isn’t that easy. It takes hours to write a post in two different languages and you know, life is busy. But my point here is; I’m still enjoying my blog and I appreciate you guys reading this whenever I post and thank you for the feedback. It’s very motivating!

I wrote earlier this year that I want to start giving back, I have never felt or said- and never will- that I’m a better, bigger fan than you guys. We all love the same club and I love to interact with my followers. Have I been lucky? Yes. But have I also worked hard for it? Hell yes. Some (of course it comes from people who don’t know me and just seen a picture of me) will say I get my followers from being a pretty girl. But when I hear that I get pissed off, I’m from Norway and honestly, the girls/women here are ridiculously pretty! I can walk down Karl Johan and by that time find at least 30 girls that knocks out the Victoria’s Secret girls. If I only wanted attention for my looks as some have claimed, I would have continued with modeling and working in the fashion industry, but that’s not me and not what I enjoy. I don’t see my self any better than other people, I honestly look like a random girl in Oslo so that’s my point, I don’t get extra attention because there are Mila Kunis and Britney Spears lookalikes everywhere 😂 But! I have, no matter how tired and busy I was, updated my blog etc about games. I have every weekend been late or had to cancel plans because of United, I’ve used hours to write about my predictions, analyzed them after the game. I have spend my last penny in my account to travel to Manchester and see my team play. I have used literally all my time, energy and money on Manchester United. And I wouldn’t have done that if it was just to get attention, then I would just be sat on twitter during the game and post a selfie, I would have chosen the easy road😂 But no, for over 15 years I’ve been ALL IN. And you can’t fake passion. I’ve sacrificed a lot to get to where I am now, because it’s forced me to be consistent. And no, I’m not saying it do brag or claim me as a top red, I don’t mind how other chose to cheer on United. But being passionate about something also demands things. So it’s been hard work at times. But it’s lead me to have genuine, real followers and I’m now able to work with the best company when it comes to sports, I’m now able to hold competitions on my platforms so you can win tickets and trips to Manchester, you can win football shirts and other cool things that’s football related! And I’m doing it because I know how big it is. As I wrote, I have spend my last money so many times on shirts and football trips, so I know the craving after getting to experience this. And if I can help out- nothing makes me happier!

Ah, it feels good to write free again. I don’t get that bothered of what people write about me or other really, but the worst feeling ever is being misunderstood or treated unfair. That annoys me, but I have to remember I have this arena to write what I feel and forget about the assholes that’s just online to spread hate.

And that brings me over to Caroline Flack. Obviously, you guys from UK know who she was and her story, but she wasn’t that famous in Norway so I didn’t knew who she was, but I can relate to her story and what can I say? Other than it’s fucking tragic and it makes me sick and angry! You can’t blame your mental health issues on other people- but in this case the media and social media trolls are 100% blamable! The way they outed this woman, spread lies and did everything for clicks, at the expense of a person who begged for space and peace. You guys are the reason why she chose to end her life!!

I think it’s a year ago now actually, where some people that hated me (yes, imagine hating a girl that only post about her passion about football 🙄), chose to start posting real nasty things about me on Twitter. I’m not comparing my story AT ALL to Caroline’s, but I have felt the hate from strangers, the lies, the constantly abuse and threats, people cheering on each other to repost things. And it’s hard. Many might know my story, I have wrote about this so many times so it’s never been a secret at all, I actually chose to speak about it again when I turned vegan 5 years ago so I could use my self as an example that it’s possible to change your opinion on a big subject like food. I haven’t been vegan all my life. I’m from the village and was very well aware that we killed animals for food, and just as the rest I felt it was the normal way. People hunted their food, they went on fishing, or they bought the food in stores. Same did I. And almost a decade ago I hunted my self, and yes, it was brutal! But- it was never for sport or glory hunting. How often don’t you see a picture of a person smiling next to the big fish they just got? It’s pretty normal isn’t it, but people have different opinions on certain animals even though almost everything except pets are being eaten. So in this case, some people turned it around that I was a glory hunter and was ‘only vegan for likes and attention’. And as I said, I’ve never hided this, because it’s not been a secret, but- I have made the biggest changes possible when it comes to animals, and I didn’t do it because I have hunted my own food (which I still believe is the best way both ethical and environmental but that’s another subject!) I did it because the mass production of meat and dairy is a living hell for most animals and they’re suffering daily because of our habits. And I couldn’t support it anymore. So I went vegan over night and even though it’s been the best decision in my life, I haven’t really ‘pushed my belief’ on anyone either. I regret every hamburger I’ve ever had, I regret every glass of milk and piece of cheese I’ve eaten. But I can’t do other than apologize and do better.

To get publicly tagged that I should get raped and beaten up and even killed, by some people who chose to trust a tweet from a person who just wants to spread hate it’s kind of crazy. I know my story, I know what I have done and I know what I haven’t, and I’ve spoken about it many times also, I don’t have to speak up to prove myself anymore. But to read so scary things isn’t fun. It’s wasn’t cool and it happened the same time one of my best friends suddenly died and I also had another personal matter with someone in my past that brought me so much stress and pain, I can easily say it was 100% the worst, painful time in my life. If it wasn’t one thing that scared and stressed me, it was the other. When I look back at it, I can’t believe I managed to stand so strong through it, and it also made me so much stronger as a person. No one is perfect, we do mistakes in life, but we have the ability to learn and change from it- and grow to a better person. And hands on my heart, I have.

Some people thinks that it’s ok to be mean and nasty. ‘Because they deserve it.’ ‘They’ve put them self out there’. Bla bla bla..

You know what? It’s never ok to be mean just because you want to! Think what you want in your little head, but if you don’t  have anything nice to say, shut the f… up!

After Caroline’s death it was a storm on social media, people saying be nice to each other. Many people are the same who abused me, and who still are nasty to other girls on social media because they are supporting the team differently than themself or promoting their modeling for example as well as supporting United. I always think it’s more sad when a girl talks shit because in my opinion, we should back each other. Unfortunately I believe every girl has at one point in their life experience a nasty comment and I can’t get my head around how people want to bring that to another person. It’s sad behavior anyways if it’s from a girl or a man, I guess I expect more from the same gender haha. I hope all this trolls- that what you all are- take a lesson from this. Words hurt. And if you can chose not to make a comment, a comment you know will hurt, just keep quiet. Maybe some people deserve to get punished- BUT YOU ARE NOT GOD AND YOU ARE NOT THE JUDGE.

The truth will always come out, and if you have good people around you, they will back you. I realized you cannot discuss or try to explain yourself to people who have an agenda against you. I tried to speak to some because they were basically writing lies and they were sending so much hate towards me, but they twisted every word I wrote so it’s not worth it anymore. But it was good to have some people speaking up for me when I couldn’t. If you don’t like a person, unfollow them, mute them. They’re not worth your time and you don’t want to be a person who have the need to bring people down want you? The answer to that should be a no btw..

So be kind, or be nothing 😜 If you doesn’t like a celebrity or an influencer- the best thing is to unfollow and don’t give them attention! You are not 100% happy with yourself and your life if you chose to jump on a hate- thread and want other people to start dislike a person. Focus on what you like, who you like to follow- and let them know! It’s so easy to be kind and it’s the best feeling making another person feel good. And I’m not trying to be cliche or bring religion into to this, but I believe good people get further and eventually what they deserve. So be strong, and be kind, always.

I was actually going to write about the Chelsea game, but I got really carried away!! Haha I have to blog more often. To be continued..

Love love ❤️

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