En nervepirrende kamp/ a nerve wrecking game

For en nervepirrende kamp i går! Jeg kunne puste lettet ut da dommeren endelig blåste av, men det var 94+ vonde minutter! Jeg er ikke fornøyd i det hele tatt med hvordan United spilte. Andre omgang var rett og slett krise og vi lot Southampton slippe til i kampen og da er en 1-0 ledelse ekstrem farlig. Vi skulle ha drept kampen tidlig og det er skuffende å se at Lukaku og Herrera bommer på to så klare sjanser. Da hadde de sluppet å stresse rundt som galninger og jeg hadde spart hjertet mitt litt. Men de gjorde det forferdelig vanskelig for deg og det er vel dette som kalles en sliteseier. Og den kjentes på kroppen etterpå. I tillegg blir Mourinho bortvist på overtid uten en gang å ha fått snakket med dommeren. Det er soleklar forskjellsbehandling og den går IKKE vår vei til alle som alltid sier det. Det viktigste er uansett at vi vinner en tøff kamp. Sesongen er lang og det er ekstremt viktig å vinne disse vanskelige kampene, for de vil komme og om vi skal vinne serien er dette en del av jobben. Fortsatt ubeseiret og neste runde er forhåpentligvis en lett motstander og vi er på hjemmebane.

What a nerve wrecking game yesterday?! It wasn’t good at all, second half was a disaster. United should have killed the game when they had the chance, Lukaku and Herrera had two chances they should have scored on but instead United got chased around for 45 minutes and I guess the players were as stressed as me because we only were 1 goal ahead. Southampton dominated second half and we were lucky. Even though Mourinho ‘parked the bus’ I was scared! With City smashing C Palace in their second half we could not let this slip! And Mourinho being sent off on overtime didn’t exactly calm me down. What a joke!? The referee didn’t speak to him- just sent him off! Seems like Klopp, Conte and the rest of the circus can do and say everything they want but Jose get punished. Ridiculous.


I wasn’t pleased with the way United were playing. We are stronger and better than the performance they showed us yesterday. But I’m not going to be too harsh, it’s a long season and we won’t be able to win 4-0 every game. It’s too much to expect a top performance every week. Lukaku scored the goal and we won. Even though he wasn’t at his best we can see how much we needed a player like him. Doing his job and he’s now the first player to score against Southampton at St. Mary’s for three Premier League clubs. Also good to see Young back, I’m not happy at all with Darmian and Blind as left backs. They’re squad players but not someone to put on from start week after week, especially in the PL. My opinion, feel free to disagree. I’m not seeing Young as their replacement either but at time to time it’s good to have him and he’s done a good comeback. I wouldn’t expect a cross like that from Blind and Darmian. United fought hard and it was a difficult match. But we won and we are still unbeaten.

Som jeg skrev i går har helgen gått rolig for seg. Vi har hatt Sons of anerchy maraton og kost oss med god mat og litt vin. Deilig å lage mat etter sesong og vi endte med en utrolig god pastarett med kantareller og et glass rødvin. Perfekt høstmat😁

This weekend was all about relaxing and we’ve have been working out together, watched Sons of anerchy and cooking good food! I love making food after which season we’re in. Now I love warm soups, vegetables that’s typical for the fall like mushrooms and root vegetables. We ended up with a delicious pasta dinner with chanterelles. So good! And a glass of red wine of course 😁


En nervepirrende kamp/ a nerve wrecking game

For en nervepirrende kamp i går! Jeg kunne puste lettet ut da dommeren endelig blåste av, men det var 94+ vonde minutter! Jeg er ikke fornøyd i det hele tatt med hvordan United spilte. Andre omgang var rett og slett krise og vi lot Southampton slippe til i kampen og da er en 1-0 ledelse ekstrem farlig. Vi skulle ha drept kampen tidlig og det er skuffende å se at Lukaku og Herrera bommer på to så klare sjanser. Da hadde de sluppet å stresse rundt som galninger og jeg hadde spart hjertet mitt litt. Men de gjorde det forferdelig vanskelig for deg og det er vel dette som kalles en sliteseier. Og den kjentes på kroppen etterpå. I tillegg blir Mourinho bortvist på overtid uten en gang å ha fått snakket med dommeren. Det er soleklar forskjellsbehandling og den går IKKE vår vei til alle som alltid sier det. Det viktigste er uansett at vi vinner en tøff kamp. Sesongen er lang og det er ekstremt viktig å vinne disse vanskelige kampene, for de vil komme og om vi skal vinne serien er dette en del av jobben. Fortsatt ubeseiret og neste runde er forhåpentligvis en lett motstander og vi er på hjemmebane.

What a nerve wrecking game yesterday?! It wasn't good at all, second half was a disaster. United should have killed the game when they had the chance, Lukaku and Herrera had two chances they should have scored on but instead United got chased around for 45 minutes and I guess the players were as stressed as me because we only were 1 goal ahead. Southampton dominated second half and we were lucky. Even though Mourinho 'parked the bus' I was scared! With City smashing C Palace in their second half we could not let this slip! And Mourinho being sent off on overtime didn't exactly calm me down. What a joke!? The referee didn't speak to him- just sent him off! Seems like Klopp, Conte and the rest of the circus can do and say everything they want but Jose get punished. Ridiculous.


I wasn't pleased with the way United were playing. We are stronger and better than the performance they showed us yesterday. But I'm not going to be too harsh, it's a long season and we won't be able to win 4-0 every game. It's too much to expect a top performance every week. Lukaku scored the goal and we won. Even though he wasn't at his best we can see how much we needed a player like him. Doing his job and he's now the first player to score against Southampton at St. Mary's for three Premier League clubs. Also good to see Young back, I'm not happy at all with Darmian and Blind as left backs. They're squad players but not someone to put on from start week after week, especially in the PL. My opinion, feel free to disagree. I'm not seeing Young as their replacement either but at time to time it's good to have him and he's done a good comeback. I wouldn't expect a cross like that from Blind and Darmian. United fought hard and it was a difficult match. But we won and still unbeaten.

Som jeg skrev i går har helgen gått rolig for seg. Vi har hatt Sons of anerchy maraton og kost oss med god mat og litt vin. Deilig å lage mat etter sesong og vi endte med en utrolig god pastarett med kantareller og et glass rødvin. Perfekt høstmat😁

This weekend was all about relaxing and we've have been working out together, watched Sons of anerchy and cooking good food! I love making food after which season we're in. Now I love warm soups, vegetables that's typical for the fall like mushrooms and root vegetables. We ended up with a delicious pasta dinner with chanterelles. So good! And a glass of red wine of course 😁

Southampton away

Endelig helg! Denne helga har jeg gleda meg til hele uka for nå er planen kun avslapning. En stor kontrast til de forrige helgene med bursdagsfeiring og tur til Manchester. I dag sov vi lenge, spiste frokost i senga og nå er jeg på trening. En times powerwalk på mølla og deretter styrke. Perfekt start på dagen. Jeg skal få inn et par skikkelig gode økter denne helga og bortsett fra det skal jeg bare slappe av med fotball, serier og god mat!

Southampton vs Manchester United

Lørdag og bortekamp. Jeg tar absolutt ingen kamper for gitt i Premier League og jeg viste at Stoke ville bli en tøff kamp, og den endte uavgjort. Forrige sesong ga vi vekk sjokkerende mange poeng mot halvgode lag, men jeg ser klare forbedringer der denne sesongen allerede heldigvis! Vi scorer mye mer og vinner kamper vi fort kunne spilt uavgjort forrige sesong, vi er mye sterkere og derfor er jeg sikker på seier i dag. Statistisk sett er alt på vår side og vi har ikke tapt på St. Marys siden 2003. Ikke at det har all verden å si, men vi reiser bort mer selvtillit og klar for å vinne dette! Jeg forventer en god og underholdene kamp! Jeg er meget spent på laguttaket og er dessverre redd for at Mourinho starter med Fellaini. Jeg stoler absolutt på sjefen vår, men jeg kan ikke være enig i alt og jeg mener det er en stor feil om vi starter med Fellaini i dag. Han har vært veldig god så langt, absolutt- men han må spilles riktig. Med han og Matic på midtbanen er det null balanse og derfor mener jeg det er kritisk at Herrera får starte i dag. Han har ikke vært så god så langt, men han fortjener å få sjansen i dag. Spesielt nå som Pogba er skadet! De er samme spillertyper med den kreative delen vi trenger pluss fart. Fingrene krysset for at vår kjære spanjol starter og forhåpentligvis kan vi se den Herrera vi hadde i fjor.

Blir det en ny 4-0 seier til oss i dag? Jeg satte faktisk penger på 4-0 mot Button og selv om det var en fantastisk kamp var jeg litt sur på Pereira helt på slutten 😂

Og det leder meg inn på cup-kamper. To spilt og to vunnet. Det kan ikke klages på. Følelsen jeg hadde inni meg da Champions League hymnen ble spilt kan nesten ikke beskrives. Så utrolig deilig! Gleder meg til sene høstkamper 😁 Cup-kamper gir også muligheten for resten av spillerene til å vise deg frem og en jeg spesielt gledet meg til å følge med på var Lindelöf. Jeg har kun skrevet positivt om han og vet han har talentet, men jeg føler nå at han må bevise litt. Han ser ganske så tapt ut og nervøs. Men vi må også tenke på spillere vi har hatt før som har startet dårlig og som utviklet seg til verdensspillere. En helt annen spiller som virkelig har vist seg er Martial og han var fantstisk mot Burton. Han var alle steder og små marginer som gjorde at han ikke fikk flere mål. Og hva med Rashford?! Herregud så glad jeg blir av den gutten! Fortsetter han denne veien er han verdens beste om noen år. Derfor måtte jeg selvfølgelig kjøpe meg ny drakt for noen dager siden.

Finally weekend! This one will be a huge contrast to my previous ones. I'm just going to stay inside watching football and tv, eat good food and relax. Work out and sleep in. I need a healthy weekend and nothing's better than starting the day with a good work out! I'm as we speak in the treadmill and gonna do 1 h here with power walk and lifting weights after.

Southampton vs Manchester United

Saturday and United playing away against Southampton. I don't take any games for granted, I knew Stoke would be a tough one and we dropped points, no games in the Premier League are easy. Last season we lost a lot of points to mid-table teams but as I've said before out team now are much stronger than last season. Games we could have lost or played draw we're now winning, I see a change and today we must win. Statistically we should, we haven't lost at St. Mary's since 2003 and we're on a roll. I'm expecting an entertaining game and a good win. We need to look forward and never give the opponent a chance to score. I'm curious on the team though, I really want Herrera to start! He need to be played more and we need the Herrera we had last season. Especially now when Pogba is injured. I trust Mourinho, but please please please don't start with Fellaini! There's no balance with him and Matic on the midfield! Herrera is the same type of player as Pogba and defiantly something we will miss today if we start with Fellaini+Matic.

Score prediction people? Another 4-0 victory?! I sat money on a 4-0 win against Burton and even though it was a fantastic game I was pissed off at Pereira at the end. 😂

And that leads me over to the previous cup games! I haven't had time to write about them. Two games and two win, can't complain about that. I can't describe the feeling I had inside me when the Champions League chant came on! An amazing feeling!! It's so good to be back in Europe against the best teams and I can't wait till the next game. I was also very excited to see other players get their chance and especially Lindelöf, I've written only good things about him and I believe his talented but he gotta show us something soon. I can't point my finger at it, but he seems a bit…lost? Idk but I gotta admit I'm a bit disappointed, I was expecting more of him l. We need to give him time to adapt, look at some of our best players ever in the history and they didn't have the smoothest start either so it's stupid to write him off already and writing shit. A totally different player but one who also had to prove himself was Martial, and he's been amazing. Against Burton he was everywhere, high and low. Good to see him back and many goals ahead if he continue like this. And what about Rashford?! Amazing person! He will be the best player in the world if he keep up the good work. Watching United like this makes me so happy!

Jentetur til Manchester/ trip to Manchester with the girls

Tia flyr når man har det moro! Jeg har ikke hatt tid til å skrive om helgen, men det må jeg jo. Manchester skuffet ikke! Det var jo bursdagshelg nummer to for meg og den innfridde heldigvis. United vant og nok en morsom tur er over.

Denne gangen var det bare jenter som dro over og vi valgte å bo i leilighet. Og det anbefales virkelig! Jeg vet ikke hvor mange tusen jeg har svidd av unødvendig fordi jeg har vært sent ute med å bestille og det som er igjen er svinedyre og i tillegg dårlige hotell. Slikt er surt, kunne jo fått en luksustur for de pengene, men slik er det. Prisene skrus opp pga fotball og det må vi dessverre bare regne med. Men uansett: Airbnb er genialt. Vi bodde midt i sentrum og det var en fin og ren leilighet, det er det viktigste for meg. Når man er flere så blir det ikke vare billigere, men også mer sosialt. Alltid koselig å ta en drink sammen mens man sminker seg og vurderer antrekk. Er det jentetur så er det jentetur!

Time flies when you have fun! Manchester was great (as always) and birthday weekend part two didn’t disappoint. And most importantly; United won! So yeah, the weekend was exactly what I expected 😁

We all stayed together in an apartment this time and I recommend it if you are more than two people traveling to Manchester. It’s so expensive for hotels in Manchester and I can’t think how many thousands I’ve waisted on bad hotels because that’s the only thing left and they put the prizes up because of football. I could have gotten a luxury vacation for all that money but because of United I keep coming back! 😛 anyway; I highly recommend airbnb instead of hotels if you’re traveling in a group. It’s more social and often cheaper as well. Our place was really nice and it’s so important for me that the bedroom and bathroom are nice and clean. I don’t care about the rest because all I do inside is sleep and shower. If you’re a normal person it’s also nice to have a good breakfast (I’ve heard..) before match etc. We filled the refrigerator with Pepsi max and red bull, ready to cure the hangover.

Vi kom til Manchester veldig tidlig lørdag så vi hadde hele dagen. Til lunsj dro vi til Tops buffè og den anbefales om du ikke vet hva du vil ha eller du vil spare litt penger. De har nemlig alt du kan tenke deg av mat og i tillegg latterlig billig. Kostet vel 10 pund om jeg husker rett og det er jo ingenting. Helt greit sted innimellom, men buffe er jo ikke bra for deg. Man spiser jo alt for mye og jeg kan bare si at super-thight bukse og magetopp er veldig upraktisk når man spiser med øynene.

We arrived Manchester super early and after checking in we went out for lunch. If you’re looking for a cheap meal or don’t know what you want for food and you’re in a group Tops buffet is a good choice. Think it’s only £10 for food and they got it all. I had sushi, sweet potato fries, mixed vegetables, fried rice and a tofu mix and it was really good. Many vegan options and ok to visit now and then. The negative thing about eating at an all-you-can-eat place is that it’s like my body take it as an challenge to see how much food I can eat. Haha. And when wearing a super tight jeans and a crop top it’s not the smartest thing. 😜

Visiting the Circus tavern is tradition and it’s always a good mix with locals and Norwegians. Since I’m a tourist I like that 😉

For dinner we visited Fazenda and everyone loved the food. Good food, drinks and friends 😁❤ we visited some bars around Spinningsfield after and ended up at Panacea.

Vi spiste middag på Fazenda og alle likte maten, veldig kult sted. Etter det var vi rundt omkring Spinningsfield og avsluttet på Panacea.

Søndag var selvfølgelig den store dagen! Matchday og da gjelder det seg å komme seg opp så tidlig som mulig og sette snuten mot Bishops. Vi var der hele dagen og veldig god stemning! Møtte så sykt mange bekjente og det gjør det bare enda hyggeligere.

Sunday and MATCHDAY! Days like this you just gotta get up and start where you ended the night before. Bottles were popped and we were ready! We went to the Bishops and it was really good that day, I met a lot of friends from all over and that makes it more fun naturally.

Vi hadde billetter på Singing section denne gangen siden vi var flere og selv om det ikke er Stretford End så var det meget god stemning! Rart å se Rooney tilbake og glad han ikke scorte mot oss. Det var ikke akkurat den beste kampen og denne gangen synes jeg det var helt feil at Fellaini startet. Hva med Herrera?! Ikke bra spill, men vi tar tre viktige poeng. Selv om det er det viktigste vil vi også ha underholdning og heldigvis ble slutten av kampen mye bedre og vi vinner nok en gang 4-0! Jeg kunne skrevet mye mer, men jeg er på tredemølla og må avslutte så jeg rekker hjem til kampstart!

This time I had seats at singing section and I liked it. Different from stretty of course but good atmosphere! It wasn’t the best game event though we ended up with a new 4-0 win. Boring mostly but we got the goals and the most important is of course to get 3 points. But the supporters need more, we want entertainment! So we were happy to see more goals and a game we probably would have drawn last season we won in Sunday and that’s so important. United need to improve a lot to be able to win the league- but I can see clearly a progress and that’s good! I could (and want to) write more about the game but I don’t have time actually. I’m as we speak on the treadmill and cardio and typing is killing me so I have to stop both now and hurry home for the game!

I’m gonna go for a new 4-0 win today I think!

Deadline Day and national break

Normally deadline day is an exciting day but this season I'm quite happy actually and wasn't expecting anything tbh. I had Sky Sports on in the background and refreshed my Twitter now and then but that was it. On a scale from 1-6 I'm giving United a 5 this transfer window. United did their business early and they did it well. Many of us wanted a fourth player but I'm glad we didn't buy just to fill up the squad. My biggest wish was Griezmann and I'm sure he would have been a red now if it wasn't for the transfer ban in Athletico. Maybe next summer? Or already in January?! The number 7 is available and he will fit in perfectly. Looks like many are a bit disappointed about Lindelöf? We can't forget it's not that easy to join a new team and the best league in the world so give him time, he will get his chance and I believe he will do good, he's not called Iceman for nothing right. Mourinho said he will play against Basel and I think that's the right decision. Bailly and Jones has been amazing together! (!!) so changing that isn't the smartest thing to do when we are on a roll! I'm actually a huge fan and of Jones and I'm so happy he's back! Looks like his training routines has changed? Some players just get injured a lot more than others, they all have individual challenges and maybe Jones body isn't made for football training several times a week plus a game on top of it. Football is a very tough sport so if he gets a program made for him and also gets a bit smarter in his duels we will have a great pair with him and Bailly! Even though we need to give every player for our team our support, it's definitely super important to keep our British players and not toss them out if they're having a difficult time. We need them. So I'm really excited about Jones and hopefully Shaw will be back soon.

Matic must be the best transfer this season in the Premier League?! I still can't believe Chelsea let him go 😂 What a rock solid, top player he is!!

Lukaku was my number two on my wishlist after Griezmann and he's already proven him self. I love it when other supporters and the media are criticizing the money United are using and are laughing and making jokes about it and at the same time trying to justify the £92m bid on Lemar- which he rejected!! The prices in this transfer window are crazy but on the good side United are definitely the winners and Lukaku is a bargain! And what about Pogba?!

I HATE national breaks. Suddenly I don't know what to do in the weekend?! Haha but I guess my friends appreciate it tough so last Friday I celebrated Chrissy's birthday- she is also a HUGE UNITED supporter so give her a follow on Instagram! Her username is Christinahenriette and what's not to love about her?! She loves United, beer and tequila… when I think about she's my soulmate 😂❤

The weekend was good but it's not the same without football! I follow England and Norway but it's not with the passion I got for United. So I can't wait for this weekend and Premier League! My birthday is September 11 and since I couldn't decide which weekend to celebrate I landed on both; this and the next weekend. It's on a Monday so in my head it made perfectly sense to have one weekend here in Oslo to celebrate and then do the same in Manchester next weekend! Manchester United vs Everton will be a good game to watch live. Rooney back again for the first time as a blue..

But first we're meeting Stoke away in the league and then finally we are back in the Champions League!! Suddenly it's ok to have a drink in the weekdays 😂 joking, but being back means so much. It's been embarrassing not to be with the best team in Europe.

September is a busy month for United! We have 7 games in 21 days. That means a tight schedule for me as well 😁 United couldn't started better in the league but it's now it really begins! We are actually "lucky" this time; Chelsea, City, Arsenal and Pool have some tough games ahead of themselves and United need to continue the strike when we know for sure some of them will drop points.

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