For en nervepirrende kamp i går! Jeg kunne puste lettet ut da dommeren endelig blåste av, men det var 94+ vonde minutter! Jeg er ikke fornøyd i det hele tatt med hvordan United spilte. Andre omgang var rett og slett krise og vi lot Southampton slippe til i kampen og da er en 1-0 ledelse ekstrem farlig. Vi skulle ha drept kampen tidlig og det er skuffende å se at Lukaku og Herrera bommer på to så klare sjanser. Da hadde de sluppet å stresse rundt som galninger og jeg hadde spart hjertet mitt litt. Men de gjorde det forferdelig vanskelig for deg og det er vel dette som kalles en sliteseier. Og den kjentes på kroppen etterpå. I tillegg blir Mourinho bortvist på overtid uten en gang å ha fått snakket med dommeren. Det er soleklar forskjellsbehandling og den går IKKE vår vei til alle som alltid sier det. Det viktigste er uansett at vi vinner en tøff kamp. Sesongen er lang og det er ekstremt viktig å vinne disse vanskelige kampene, for de vil komme og om vi skal vinne serien er dette en del av jobben. Fortsatt ubeseiret og neste runde er forhåpentligvis en lett motstander og vi er på hjemmebane.
What a nerve wrecking game yesterday?! It wasn’t good at all, second half was a disaster. United should have killed the game when they had the chance, Lukaku and Herrera had two chances they should have scored on but instead United got chased around for 45 minutes and I guess the players were as stressed as me because we only were 1 goal ahead. Southampton dominated second half and we were lucky. Even though Mourinho ‘parked the bus’ I was scared! With City smashing C Palace in their second half we could not let this slip! And Mourinho being sent off on overtime didn’t exactly calm me down. What a joke!? The referee didn’t speak to him- just sent him off! Seems like Klopp, Conte and the rest of the circus can do and say everything they want but Jose get punished. Ridiculous.
I wasn’t pleased with the way United were playing. We are stronger and better than the performance they showed us yesterday. But I’m not going to be too harsh, it’s a long season and we won’t be able to win 4-0 every game. It’s too much to expect a top performance every week. Lukaku scored the goal and we won. Even though he wasn’t at his best we can see how much we needed a player like him. Doing his job and he’s now the first player to score against Southampton at St. Mary’s for three Premier League clubs. Also good to see Young back, I’m not happy at all with Darmian and Blind as left backs. They’re squad players but not someone to put on from start week after week, especially in the PL. My opinion, feel free to disagree. I’m not seeing Young as their replacement either but at time to time it’s good to have him and he’s done a good comeback. I wouldn’t expect a cross like that from Blind and Darmian. United fought hard and it was a difficult match. But we won and we are still unbeaten.
Som jeg skrev i går har helgen gått rolig for seg. Vi har hatt Sons of anerchy maraton og kost oss med god mat og litt vin. Deilig å lage mat etter sesong og vi endte med en utrolig god pastarett med kantareller og et glass rødvin. Perfekt høstmat😁
This weekend was all about relaxing and we’ve have been working out together, watched Sons of anerchy and cooking good food! I love making food after which season we’re in. Now I love warm soups, vegetables that’s typical for the fall like mushrooms and root vegetables. We ended up with a delicious pasta dinner with chanterelles. So good! And a glass of red wine of course 😁