…and people are still questioning Solskjær and United. I seriously can’t see why we should sign someone else, Ole will always play the United way and the players loves him. To see Lingard and Rash play like this under him is like a romantic fairytale. We got to keep this. I’ve said it earlier, I can see so much of Ferguson in Solskjær.
Since Ole arrived, he has more points than any other team in the league. Undefeated- in every tournament. We have scored the most and conceived the least. Just imagine if he came in sooner… He has proven enough if you ask me. Many wants to see him against the top top team, but let be honest; even under Ferguson we could lose against them. Facing PSG is the top 3 teams you don’t wanna face – no matter how strong the team is. And we got Jones in defense 🙈 so that’s gonna be by far the two toughest games in years! And most likely will we lose, but that’s not on Ole. That’s about limitations, 50% of our defender are from when Fergie was the boss, they are outdated – but it’s what we got.
Call me crazy, but yes. Mourinho had already set the expectations to not expect too much, and it will still be a disappointment if we lose, but Ole has given me some hope. We need to focus on not conceding goals in the away game. Easier said than done, but if United continues this form and work more defensively they can give a tough fight to PSG. Their main advantage is obviously their attack. But Neymar is out and even though I love winning over the best possible team, I’ll take that any day. I will say our midfield is better than PSG and if we are solid at the back and still manage to do attacks I’m actually positive. God, I’m so excited. PSG- United and I believe we will win, that’s a good feeling 😉 I will probably not be as confident as I am now just before kick off, but facing one of the best team in the world and still got the feeling we can get something out of it is a long and missed feeling!
I’m curious on how Solskjær will prepare the team so playing away against Fulham today we can’t expect too much of the team. Players need to be rested, but again- we’re reaching for top four and with some help from our noisy neighbors tomorrow we will make it! Important day today- COME ON UNITED!
I met up with Football whispers last Sunday before the game and had a quick talk about Ole and how he has turned things around. It’s hard to explain how big it is. They asked how it felt as a Norwegian and I couldn’t be prouder. I’m so excited and it seems like I will hold on to this feeling until it’s his last day in charge. I’ll be forever grateful for what he’s already done for us no matter where he takes us this season. He’s not a miracle man, but he dragged us up from the mud, I was feeling miserable as a supporter so just to get his smiling face I front of me and not the attitude Jose always had was a big improvement.
The game against Spurs would be Oles biggest test so far. Spurs is a dangerous team when they’re at their best, one of the best in the league. Solskjær had already made history in the club with five wins, but the critics said we couldn’t judge before the team had really been tested. Fair enough. Spurs isn’t a joke and they desperately needed tree points as well.
I was excited and a bit nervous, and the match didn’t disappoint me!
This is more than just a “new manager bounce”, I feel Solskjær and United deserves way more respect! You can say he had an easy start, but no games are easy in the Premier League, they all need to be won- and so far Ole has cleaned the table. Give the man credit!Except from the positivity and the new confident, we could clearly see he got a game plan. United plays like a team. The win against Spurs was amazing, they sure tried their best and can we just end the discussion on who’s the best goalkeeper? In Norway we have this man commenting on the games, and he’s clearly so anti United and it pisses me off. And unfortunately it’s the only channel that shows the Premier League so I’m kind of stacked with him. Maybe it’s unnecessary to say he supports Liverpool but yeah.. but to look on the bright side it’s funny to hear his bitter voice when we have won. We didn’t win because we were lucky. De Gea is a part of the team as much as Rashford and they both did an amazing job and secured another tree points in the bag.
Another step in the right direction for United and today we are finally playing at Old Trafford again! Hopefully we will continue this good run and Ole will again be in the history books if he win this game. 7 out of 7 COME ON UNITED!
Tomorrow is a big day, it will be the biggest test for Solskjær so far and we desperately need all 3 points to have a chance for top 4. It won’t be an easy game so right now I’m a little nervous, I can already imagine all the negativity Solskjær and the team will get if they lose and that’s so unfair. He’s done a fantastic job so far and we can’t expect a win every game. Sometimes they will lose and that’s how it is, I just know how it will be in the media and from others supporters! So let’s hope for a win!
Last time we faced Tottenham was a nightmare so revenge is needed! As I said I’m a bit nervous but also, I’m much more positive now with Solskjær, now I can actually hope for a win, if we still was under Mourinho I’d be happy with a draw and prepared to lose. To just be able to be positive before a big game feels good, the team will come to Wembley and be confident and Spurs will know it’s a ‘new United’ will face- and that is a big and important change!
I’m really excited for tomorrow, I love to meet bigger teams and it will be very interesting to watch United tomorrow! I always have a feeling when I wake up, if we’re gonna win or if it’s gonna be a tough one. I will keep you updated but I know that United will attack and that’s a pretty good feeling.
Det spørsmålet jeg blir stilt aller mest, faktisk hver eneste dag, er hvorfor jeg ble United supporter. Og jeg har fortalt hvorfor mange ganger både her på bloggen og ellers, at jeg begynte å like fotball og det første laget som fikk min oppmerksomhet var Manchester United. Jeg kommer fra en bil-familie. Pappa vet ikke hvor mange biler han har en gang og alle der er lidenskapelig opptatt av biler. For meg er biler kun et fremkomstmiddel- jeg har ikke lappen en gang! Tror jeg må være den eneste fra Toten som ikke har det faktisk, haha! Men uansett; ingen i familien var da (dette har heldigvis endret seg!) opptatt av fotball. Det var ingen lokale lag jeg kunne følge hver helg der jeg da bodde. Det eneste jeg fikk se av fotball var de få kampene som ble vist på tv. Og det lille jeg fikk med meg via media. Tenk hvor vanskelig det var før i tia! Jeg leste nyheter på text-tv og det var måten å få med seg det siste liksom. Dette var jo i glansårene til United, og jeg ble superfan av Beckham og syntes det var så kult at Solskjær var fra Norge! Og jeg husker jeg så litt av en kamp og tenkte “wow- dette er jo dødskult”! Og resten er historie..
Men så viser det seg at jeg hadde glemt en liten detalj. Det stemmer det over altså, men det morsomme var at jeg ELSKET Mot i Brøstet, og jeg var så forelska i Nils! Jeg trodde jo han var en ung gutt, og han var så morsom. Vi har fortsatt puta mi hjemme som jeg brukte da jeg var rundt 10 år, og på den står det ‘Sven Nordin’ med et stor hjertet rundt, hahah.. Så når jeg var hjemme her i sommer med noen venner så sier foreldrene mine at det er jo ikke rart det var United jeg endte opp med å holde med- Nils var jo ihuga Unitedfan. Så måtte vi se episoden og det er jo helt riktig!
Nå hadde jeg nok helt sikkert fortsatt å bli Unitedsupporter uansett, men det er en morsom tanke faktisk, hva som gjør oss til supportere. Som regel er det foreldrene eller noen nære som avgjør det, i mitt tilfelle Nils i Mot i Brøstet!
Når det kommer til hvorfor jeg er så ‘gal’ så har jeg nok ikke en forklaring bortsett fra at jeg er litt gal. Jeg tror bare at folk stusser mer over det fordi jeg er dame. Hvor mange mannfolk dropper vel ikke en bursdag eller ser på kamp på puben hver uke? Men er man dame er det liksom litt rart.. Men jeg er en ‘alt eller ingenting’ person. Det er lite i livet mitt jeg er likegyldig til og samtidig vier tid til. Enten så liker jeg noe eller så liker jeg det ikke. Og liker jeg noe, det kan være hva som helst- så blir jeg nesten litt besatt. Er det en forfatter jeg liker så leser jeg alt han har skrevet, er det en artist så hører jeg på alt og drar på konserter, når det kom til mat og jeg lærte litt om veganisme leste jeg alt jeg kom over av forskning, så dokumentarer og utforsket- og ble veganer på et knips uten om å være pesceterianer eller vegetarianer først. Er det noe jeg liker så ‘leker ‘ jeg ikke. Da gir jeg alt. Og når de fleste på min alder sluttet å bry seg om fotball fordi de fikk kjærester osv ble jeg bare enda mer gira. Og fotball er en ting som aldri vil forvinne fra livet mitt, alt annet kommer i andre rekke. Jeg planlegger alt etter terminlista og det av den enkle grunn at jeg er supporter. Jeg kommer aldri til å forstå de som dropper å se kamper fordi det passer dårlig. Kanskje er jeg ekstrem, men jeg elsker det!
Og nå om dagen har vi jo fått en så kraftig oppsving at jeg går nærmest på skyer, haha. Sommerfugler i magen og smiler konstant. Livet er best som rød 😉
I had a ‘question round’ on my Instagram-story a couple of days ago where you guys could ask me anything and I would answer here. And since I get this question literally everyday I will start with answering why I became a United supporter!
I’ve answered it many times already and the short story is I loved Beckham and Solskjær and United was FUN to watch!
But it’s actually a miracle I’m this crazy about football, because no one in my family was at that time! (That’s changed now though!) I’m from a small place 1,5 hour north from Oslo. Just imagine the smallest village with farmers, cows, miles away from the next neighborhood and people talking super village accent- I’m from a place like that. And my family is a ‘car family’ if that’s something you understand. My dad doesn’t know how many cars I got and his and my brothers passion are cars, so every time I’m home they just talk about the new car and what projects they have and I’m sat there like…🙄 I don’t even have a driver license!! Haha like the only person from a village that doesn’t know how to drive a car. Anyway; no one was interested in sports, so that’s the reason I don’t support a local team. The little I got to see from football was the matches that was showned at tv in the weekends, and I saw a little here and there in the media.. and it was all about Solskjær because he had made it in England, it was the glory days of United and I remember watching part of a game and was blown away, it was awsome! So United it was, and the rest is history..
But I had forgotten a little detail and also forgot to tell people about this- until now! There was a comedy show in Norway which I LOVED! And I was in loved with one guy in it, a funny guy that always were making jokes and got his friends angry, little did I know that he was over 40 years old hahaha he played a teenager. Anyhow- I loved him and we still got my pillow at home where I have written his name with a big heart round it. And it turns out that he was a massive United fan. My parents watched an episode where he went crazy under a game and they told me it had to be the reason why I got my eyes on United. Haha
It’s funny though, what makes you a supporter. Normally you get it from your parents or someone close. I got it from a fictional character 😂
I’m pretty sure I would have supported them anyway, but it’s a funny story!
Jeg var-som dere vet- overlykkelig da Solskjær ble annonsert som midlertidig manager for verdens største fotballklubb. MIN klubb, Manchester United. Jeg har vært i Manchester og på kamp hver eneste måned denne sesongen og det bare gjør så vondt i supporterhjertet når det har vært så mørkt og kjedelig som det var under Mourinho. Jeg ville virkelig at han skulle lykkes for oss, og han hadde min støtte lenge, alt for lenge egentlig. Til slutt så var det ingen utvei at han måtte gå. Så selv om mange mente Solskjær var et risky og dårlig valg så var jeg så glad, for de opplevelsene jeg har hatt denne sesongen har vært mer dårlig enn bra. Det kunne ikke bli så mye verre enn det allerede var og at en av mine favorittspillere skulle ta over var fantastisk.
Ole Gunnar Solksjær har nå skrevet seg inn i historiebøkene. Ingen har hatt en bedre start som manager som han. Fem seiere av fem mulige.
JEG er jo gira, dere som følger meg har vel fått med seg det. Jeg siter her å skriver med et smil om munnen og ER SÅ GLAD! Men det som er så moro er jo at hele verden har “Norge-feber”, det har ringt journalister fra hele verden som vil høre vår reaksjon og hva jeg tenker. Solskjær har virkelig satt oss på kartet og han har bare smelt til å bevist alle kritikere feil. Det er så herlig!
Så kan man si at han har hatt en lett start. Men hallo, han har fått klubben på rett kurs igjen! Det var faktisk det han ble ansatt til å gjøre. Ingen kunne bedt om en bedre start. Så kommer det selvfølgelig større motstandere og da får vi virkelig se hva dette laget kan er gode for. Og vi kommer nok til å avgi poeng. Men spiller man med filosofien til Solskjær så er det faktisk helt greit!
I går møtte vi Reading og selv om vi vant 2-0 så var det ingen trygg kamp. Det er det dårligste kampen vi har spilt under Solskjær, men dette viste jeg vi ville komme til å se- og garantert noe vi blir straffet hardere på også utover sesongen. Solskjær kan ikke trylle selv om det kan virke slik akkurat nå om vi ser på resultatene.. Laget er fortsatt det samme- på godt og vondt. Det Solskjær skal ha stor ros for er at alle får faktisk sjansen. Han har i tillegg sett alle kampene som United har spilt også under Mourinho fordi han elsker United. Og følger man med på et lag så får man favoritter og syndebukker. Men Solskjær har ikke kommet inn å forhåndsdømt spillere. Nettopp der er han stikk motsatt av Mourinho, han kastet sine egne til ulvene ved hver minste feil de gjorde. Solskjær kom inn og sa at alle skulle få en sjanse. Både før og etter kampen sier han at det er helt greit å gjøre feil. Det lærer man av, han vil også at de ikke skal være redde for å prøve- og å feile. Tenk dere for en lettelse det må være for en spiller å ha en slik mann i ryggen. Som vil at ALLE skal lykkes, og ikke bare en selv. I dag gikk vi videre i FA-cupen, med et reservepreget lag. Vi fikk se Chong få spilletid, ingen baklengs. Vi kan ikke forvente festfotball hver eneste kamp, men jeg ble underholdt, vi vant. Nok en godkjent kamp spør du meg.
Men på søndag blir en stor dag. En virkelig prøve. Solskjær kommer selvfølgelig til å starte med de beste tilgjengelige og spiller vi som vi har gjort denne måneden er jeg sikker på at vi vinner. Men det blir vår første ordentlige test mot et sterkt lag og det blir veldig spennende.
Jeg deler også ut denne t-skjorta av Cantona- da må dere følge meg på Instagram å sjekke min siste post der. annmari_olsen
I have never been more ready for a new year than I am now. When I wake up on Tuesday and it’s the first day of 2019 I know it’s just a normal day. But I like the thought that you can start with a clean slate and focus on how 2019 will be.
2018 was… interesting.. A challenging year, with a lot of ups and downs. I’m all about living life and do what I want but also work hard and keep a good balance. And I did that. When I look back at 2018 it seems like it lasted for years. A lot happened.
I’m really looking forward to getting back to my good routines with healthy food and gym, I’m gonna do my very best at work every day and work to achieve what I want. But the most important thing I’m gonna do is to not let it consume me, I won’t let it take over my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but life is about more than just work and achieve. ‘Living life’ and living fully is not only about finding the job you love, but having the people in your life to share the good times and the bad. It’s about having your health and energy to wake up every day because your excited about what lies ahead.
As I said, 2018 was challenging. I went trough a break up, I got a new job, I got myself a new home. I kind of started my life over again. And even though I share a lot of my life on social media, I’m actually very private. I like to have control over my private life and that’s very important to me, I think this is the first time I’ve wrote about that on my blog. All those things have had a big impact on me, it’s been a lot of big changes for me the past year and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned that all things comes in twos. Life and death, pain and joy. Salt and sugar, me and you. It’s been the year of stressing and hurting but also living and enjoying, making friends out of strangers and making strangers out of friends. And that’s life. The two most important things I’ve learned and understood is that everything has an end; youth, love, life.. all will end, and that’s what makes them valuable. You also sometimes have to make hard and tough decisions, that may hurt other people, and even though it seems dark and impossible you also know it’s right, and if you just stand trough it- it will get better and you know you did the right thing. Always trust your instincts.
So thank you 2018, I learned a lot. It changed me in many ways and I’m glad I can put it behind me and look forward.
2019 is a new chapter in my life. I want to be the best person I can be and my new year resolution is to ENJOY life to the fullest!
Først og fremst; GOD JUL til alle mine gode lesere. Håper dere har hatt en fin feiring så langt, det har jeg virkelig hatt. Det er alltid like godt å ‘komme hemmat tel Toten’!
Dette er en stor dag for meg- og for resten av mine røde venner. Ikke bare er det nasjonaldagen for fotball i England, jeg elsker Boxing Day. Men vår landsmann, vår legende Ole Gunnar Solskjær går for første gang ut på Old Trafford som vår manager! Det er så stort, og jeg er så stolt. Jeg klarer ikke å få beskrevet det godt nok hvor gira og glad jeg er. Dette er det beste siden Ferguson og det sier mye bare det.
Han kunne ikke fått en bedre start på karrieren i Manchester, 5-1! Vi har ikke scoret så mange mål siden SAF og jeg kalte jo Solskjær for SAF junior i mitt forrige innlegg og nå skjønner sikkert flere hva jeg mener om det. Solskjær har personligheten og karismaen til å få det beste ut av spillerne. Og det er nettopp det United trengte nå. Han vil spille underholdene fotball og han har United DNA langt inn i ryggraden. Jeg forventer ikke at vi skal vinne med fire mål hver kamp, men vi har potensialet og bare det er en fantastisk tanke og følelse! På så liten tid har Solskjær endret mye og det er så uendelig godt å kjenne på den lykkefølelsen bare United kan gi meg, det er verdens beste følelse og topper absolutt alt!
Boxing Day, hjemmekamp og Solskjær sin debut på Old Trafford.. Dette er så stort og kjenner jeg meg rett kommer jeg helt sikkert til å begynne å grine så det er vel best å droppe maskara i dag. Men Solskjær drakta skal på og sammen med mamma og pappa ser vi kampen ute sammen med Red Army Oslo i dag. Alt for stor kamp til å sitte hjemme alene, slike kamper må jeg dele med andre og skape minner sammen med verdens beste supportere!
First of all; merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have enjoyed your holiday. I sure have, I love coming back to my parents and just relax in my childhood home.
Second; how good was Solskjærs debut?! A friend of mine (many of you know Bea) has started a matchday rule, and that means a shot per goal. And usually it’s not a problem because United hasn’t exactly been famous for scoring a lot lately, but I gotta say 5 shots is a bit too much- even for a village girl like me! Haha
But anyway, with shits or not, I really enjoyed that game. And for the first time in ages I LOVED watching United play. We was excited, the players was excited. That’s United! And Ole has brought it back. There were many doubters out the before the game, but it’s clearly Ole is the right person with the right personality to take over a job like this. And I knew that because he LOVE United probably as much as me- and he wants to play attacking football. It’s hard to not like him and obviously that’s how the players feel as well. I’m not saying he will come in like Messias and every game will be like this- but he surely has changed a lot already and I’m so excited for the game today!
Boxing Day, biggest football day in England. Ole Gunnar Solskjærs debut at Old Trafford. It’s gonna be so emotional see him walk out of the tunnel and receive the warm welcome from his Red Army!
So I’m obviously super(!!!) happy Ole had a great start. I LOVE reading all about him and it seems like everyone (except the scousers haha) in Norway are buzzing!! Our biggest newspaper got ‘Oles special’ everyday, it’s at every new channel and I couldn’t be more proud! I’m literally sitting my biggest smile writing this 😁❤️🇳🇴 and you all feel the same as me, the relief and the feeling of FINALLY being able to enjoy football again. The joy is back and I can’t describe how good it is. I got United on my mind all the time and after a long and dark period I can say that we deserve this!
I dag er en stor dag. Ole Gunnar Solskjær returnerer til gamleklubben som manager- en setning jeg tidligere kun har drømt om å kunne si! Dette er så stort for oss supportere, kanskje spesielt oss fra Norge, og utrolig stort for norsk fotball og vår sportshistorie!
Ole er en av mine favorittspillerne gjennom tidene, og en av de største legendene. Han er en stor grunn til at jeg ble Unitedsupporter og jeg er så stolt nå! At mannen som spilte med nummer 20 og avgjorde på overtid i Champions League finalen og samtidig bidro til at United vant som første engelske lag ‘The treble’ i 1999, 20 år senere returner til verdens største fotballklubb er helt sykt. Om ikke det gir deg gåsehud så vil ongenting gi deg det..
Men er det nok å være en legende og helt for å ta over en klubb? Er det så enkelt? Selvfølgelig ikke. Jeg er ikke så naiv, problemene til United ligger dypere enn å ansette en ny manager så uansett hvem som hadde kommet inn så er det fortsatt en stor jobb som gjenstår, både med stallen og ledelsen. Men jeg forstår ikke all negativiteten jeg har lest rundt han, vi må ikke glemme at dette er kun en midlertidlig ansettelse. Samtidig tar han inn Phelan noe som er nesten like stort og viktig. Han har vært ekstremt savnet. De to sammen med Carrick og McKenna skal få dette laget på rett kurs igjen frem til sommeren og det tror jeg absolutt er realistisk. Samtidig har ledelsen god tid på seg til å finne en riktig person til å ta over klubben permanent. Så selvfølgelig er det ikke nok å være en tidligere stjernespiller, men han viste allerede da at han har personligheten og karismaen denne klubben sårt trenger nå.
Med Ole får vi en person som har vist sin lojalitet til klubben, han elsker Manchester United og vil gjøre alt i sin makt til at de skal gjøre det bra. Han har erfaring som manager og kanskje aller viktigst så forstår han hva det betyr å representere Manchester United. Han vet hva slags verdier klubben bygger på og han har samme filosofi. Han tror på yngre spillere og forstår viktigheten av utviklingen de. Han vil spille underholdene og offensiv fotball.
Jeg forventer ikke mirakler, men det kan ikke bli verre enn det allerede er og har vært. Hovedoppgaven nå blir å bygge opp selvtilliten til spillerne, få de til å spille sammen og som et lag. Få tilbake det som vi har savnet under Mourinho. Det kan bare bli bedre nå!
Etter den tunge og grå skyen under Mourinho trenger vi solskinn fra Solskjær. Velkommen tilbake!
Today is a big day. Ole Gunnar Solskjær is returning to Manchester United. The man who scored the winning goal in the Champions League final to complete the treble in 1999, played with number 20, and 29 years later he returns to us as our manager. If that doesn’t give you goosebumps…
He’s one of my all time favorite players. One of the reason I love this club so much, I remember how proud I was because he’s Norwegian and today I have the same feeling. This is so big for Norwegian football and well deserved to Ollie.
But is it enough to be a United legend to take over? Of course not. But I don’t get why people are so negative to a person who’s only going to be here until the summer. A person who’s showed his loyalty to the club and got the right philosophy. Who will help the club and give the board time to find a good and stabile replacement.
There’s so many negative people out there and for some, whatever happens it will never be good enough. To the critics; Do you really think a top manager would sign for just 6 months today? And if so, who would that be? Ole will come back in with Phelan, got Carrick and McKenna in his team as well and can it really get worse than it already is? I’m not a dumb girl who thinks Ollie will return to Old Trafford and be the best manager in the
League because he once was a great player. I’m not expecting miracles- but the remaining time this season is about building confidence and bringing back a certain type of play. Bring back what we have been missing under Mourinho. It can only get better from here!
I can break it down for you why I believe Ollie is the right choice and if you still disagree that’s fine, but don’t discuss with me. No point being negative for something that’s not proven yet or even a permanent decision. He won’t do any harm to the club like the managers before him.
Ole loves Manchester United. His only interest will be them to succeed.
He has managerial experience.
He knows and understand the values and the foundation of Manchester United football club.
Believes in youth.
Wants to play attacking football.
He’s fine with being replaced after the season.
After the misery under Mourinho we need the sunshine from Solskjær. Welcome back!
This is old News now; Jose Mourinho is no longer manager for Manchester United. It’s the correct decision but I did not see it coming now to be honest. I feel a bit shocked actually- and a bit happy and sad at the same time?! Obviously it was going to happen, the last six months has been awful. And I’ve written many times that all of the problems won’t go away if Mourinho leaves, but when results are non existence he’s the first one to go. It was also obvious that he had lost the dressing room. So of course, it was just a matter of time..
My phone went crazy when it got announced, I was holding my phone and watched it the second it was official, and I know my friends only wanted to inform me but I’m not joking when I say I got 100 messages in a minute. That didn’t exactly calm me because I was shocked and stressed over the news! Haha
I still remember the day United appointed him as our new manager, I was buzzing and I believed it was the right decision. I wanted him to succeed badly but unfortunately he didn’t. He played a big part in his downfall but his nowhere near to be the only problem, I feel he was the right man at the wrong time. No one would succeed when the board doesn’t back you in transfers and big ego players got an attitude against you. That part makes me feel sad for Jose, I’m 100% sure he wanted United to succeed.
It’s still very fresh, and I probably won’t ‘understand’ it before our next game on Saturday against Cardiff. But I feel relieved now. It can’t get so much worse so I’m excited for what’s next. It’s a step in the right direction.. For me, losing against Liverpool is the worst feeling in the world, but I didn’t care. The joy of watching United is gone. No passion from the players and a manager without a plan. So now I’m feeling optimistic for the first time in ages and that’s a good thing, I’ve missed that. The players can’t blame it on Mourinho anymore so they better be ready to work their ass off from now on.
Thank you for all the good memories Jose. Unfortunately it didn’t work out and it’s goodbye from your Red and White Army now. All the best.
So what’s next?
We want to be entertained, we want to see good football. I don’t recognize my team anymore. We don’t win games. There’s no joy. Our new manager need to turn all that around now and bring back the positivity to the players and us supporters. It’s crazy to say but today has been the first day in a very long time I’m actually excited. I haven’t been able to focus at all today, I just wanted to refresh my phone and see updates. I don’t know more than anyone else so i won’t talk about what I think will happen, only time will show. But I have to say I would love Solskjær back to our club. It’s no secret that he’s one of my all time favorite player, one of the reason I started to support United and he’s a legend for all of us after what he’s done for the club. He’s written history for our club before and he can now do it again. It’s many reliable rumors that he is the one and I hope it’s true. As I said, he’s a legend, but that’s not the only reason I want him to Return. That won’t give results. But the fact is that Ollie is extremely football smart, and he’s a ‘winning type’, a personality I believe the players will look up to and respect. A person that will come into the club with a fresh mind and bring positivity into the dressing room. Maybe it’s just a ‘wet dream’ (😂🙈) for me and the Norwegians, but for just for this season I don’t think it would be that bad?!
No matter who it will be it’s very exciting and yet again a big change in Our Club..
Jose Mourinho is no longer manager for Manchester United. It’s the correct decision but I did not see it coming now to be honest. I feel a bit shocked actually- and a bit happy and sad at the same time?! Obviously it was going to happen, the last six months has been awful. And I’ve written many times that all of the problems won’t go away if Mourinho leaves, but when results are non existence he’s the first one to go. It was also obvious that he had lost the dressing room. So of course, it was just a matter of time..
My phone went crazy when it got announced, I was holding my phone and watched it the second it was official, and I know my friends only wanted to inform me but I’m not joking when I say I got 100 messages in a minute. That didn’t exactly calm me because I was shocked and stressed over the news! Haha
I still remember the day United appointed him as our new manager, I was buzzing and I believed it was the right decision. I wanted him to succeed badly but unfortunately he didn’t. He played a big part in his downfall but his nowhere near to be the only problem, I feel he was the right man at the wrong time. No one would succeed when the board doesn’t back you in transfers and big ego players got an attitude against you. That part makes me feel sad for Jose, I’m 100% sure he wanted United to succeed.
It’s still very fresh, and I probably won’t ‘understand’ it before our next game on Saturday against Cardiff. But I feel relieved now. It can’t get any worse so I’m excited for what’s next. It’s a step in the right direction.. For me, losing against Liverpool is the worst feeling in the world, but I didn’t care. The joy of watching United is gone. No passion from the players and a manager without a plan. So now I’m feeling optimistic for the first time in ages and that’s a good thing, I’ve missed that. The players can’t blame it on Mourinho anymore so they better be ready to work their ass off from now on.
Thank you for all the good memories Jose. Unfortunately it didn’t work out and it’s goodbye from your Red and White Army now. All the best.