Å være dame og fotballsupporter

Jeg ble intervjuet av mitt kjære Oppland Arbeiderblad i dag og en del av intervjuet gikk på at jeg er jente og så stor supporter av Manchester United. Og mange synes dette er rart, litt spesielt og lurer på hvorfor jeg er det. Så jeg tenkte å lufte noen tanker om det, selv om det er litt rart for meg fordi det er lidenskapen min og sånn har det alltid vært.

I starten da jeg ble kjent med flere Unitedsupportere fikk jeg ofte høre ‘er du liksom United-fan?’ ‘Fortell meg startoppstillingen til United og hvordan forrige kamp gikk’. Jeg måtte bevise at jeg var supporter ved å kunne sangene og diverse info om spillerne. Og dette er noe de aldri hadde spurt en gutt om. Dette skjedde rundt 17-18 års alderen da jeg var mer ute og ble kjent med nye folk.

Jeg hadde min første fotoshoot i et magasin i 2008 der de brukte ukjente jenter på cover og de vinklet ofte bildene til noe jenta er interessert i. Så da de intervjuet meg og det kom fram at jeg hadde spilt fotball i 10 år og elsket Manchester United så foreslo de at bildene skulle ha fotball-tema syntes jeg det var kjempekult! Jeg tok også med drakter dagen vi skulle ta bilder og stylisten ville klippe draktene til med kløft og magetopp- men der gikk grensa, man klippet ikke i drakter!

Men bildene ble kjempekule og fine og det endte med at jeg ble kåret til årets forsidepike hos dem og jeg fikk en kickstart ved og også vinne den andre største konkurransen hos det største magasinet i Norge på den tiden. Vi snakker 2008 og jeg hadde da allerede vært Unitedsupporter i over 10 år, men siden hverdagen min handlet om å ta bilder av hverdagen min ble det helt naturlig at det ble mange bilder med Uniteddrakt på. Og som jeg sier, det er bare helt naturlig for meg. Jeg har blogget om United i over 10 år nå så dette er liksom ikke noe nytt for meg, men jeg merker en stor forskjell og det er Norge versus England (Twitter)

I Norge vet de fleste hvem jeg er når det kommer til fotball og United, jeg trenger ikke bevise noe nå lenger. Men det er blitt en stor trend i England nå at mange jenter promoterer seg selv ved å legge ut bilder av seg selv i fotballdrakter og selvfølgelig har jeg vært deres inspirasjon fordi det var ingen andre som gjorde det da jeg startet med det. Noen er fans, andre ikke. Og mange hater dette, at jenter bruker United for å få likes. Og mange spør meg om jeg får mye hat fordi jeg legger ut bilder av meg selv i drakter og blir en del av disse jentene. Og svaret er nei, jeg får noen kommentarer nå og da at jeg er desperat for oppmerksomhet og at jeg er en fake fan. Men altså, da bare ler jeg. Hovedpoenget mitt når det kommer til fotball er at dette er en sport for ALLE. Og alle uttrykker seg ulikt, og det er bare kult! Folk må da få lov til å gjøre det de vil, jeg blir ikke sur fordi andre ‘hermer’ , det er bare moro at flere jenter viser sin support! Jeg vet at mine blogginnlegg har bra innhold, at folk er uenig hender selvfølgelig fordi det er jo fotball og følelser jeg skriver om. Og mitt hovedfokus i mine sosiale medier er å vise MIN passion for Manchester United! Ingen kan komme å si den er feil 😀 skjønner? Om de ikke liker det eller er enig er jo en annen ting, men da er det bare å bla videre liksom, jeg ber ingen om å kommentere eller like bildene mine om de ikke er interesserte! Og dette er jo et fantastisk fenomen, disse Internett-haterne. De gidder altså å bruke tiden sin på å kommentere til meg- at de ikke liker meg eller at jeg er fake fan eller ditt og datt. Heldigvis så vet jeg at dette ikke har noe rot i virkeligheten, altså- ikke kom til ei dame som bruker flere timer om dagen å skrive om et fotballag, som har sesongkort og reiser over så mye hun kan, som virkelig bare vil bidra til positivitet og  supporter-glede at HUN er en fake fan. Altså da tar jeg en Bea og sier bitch please! 😂 alle er ikke misunnelighet på meg, men det ligger dessverre noe i enkelte mennesker at det å unne andre noe godt er vanskelig. Og da er det lettere å skrive noe stygt om personen og om det er noen som henger seg på og liker det man skriver så gir det en god følelse. Jeg lar ikke det stoppe meg, jeg forstår at den personen virkelig ikke har det noe bra med seg selv, og jeg vet mine verdier og hvordan jeg er som både menneske og som med-supporter så jeg svarer ikke på slike kommentarer lenger. Fordi det er nettopp en respons de ønsker og hvorfor skal jeg please en person som for det første ofte er anonym, men også en person som sprer negativitet? Nei vet du hva, jeg får så mye god og positiv respons fra de 99% andre så det er nettopp de som fortjener å få svar og jeg elsker å ha en god relasjon med følgerne mine!

Nå startet jo dette innlegget om å være dame og fotballsupporter, men man kommer dessverre ikke unna med at man får mer hat på sosiale medier da. Men som jeg sier, det er bare en dråpe i havet, det er alltid mer positivt enn negativt, men vi er alle mennesker så selvfølgelig er det noen ganger kjipt å lese noe dritt, jeg hater urettferdighet så det gjelder også kommentarer jeg ser andre får. Skulle ønske folk kunne bry seg mer om det/de likte og bladde seg forbi det de ikke likte.

Så kan man jo også si at som dame så får man mer oppmerksomhet, at ting er lettere for oss. Men der er jeg uenig, ja- som to jenter alene i Manchester så kommer flere bort å slår av en prat, de vil by på en øl. Det hadde de nok ikke gjort til de to gutta som reiste over alene, men dette skjer over alt når man er dame. Jeg har fått muligheter jeg er overlykkelig for, jeg har fått frontet store eventer med x-United spillere, jeg har dratt på mange jobbreiser til Manchester og mye mer. Men jeg nekter å si at det er fordi jeg er dame. Det er nok en av grunnene, kan man markedsføring så må man faktisk skille seg ut og nå ut til mennesker, men jeg er også en utadvendt person. Jeg brenner for Manchester United og tror de fordelene jeg har fått er vel fortjent! Jeg vil heller påstå at som dame i denne ‘bransjen’ så må man ha bein i nesa. Det er ikke all oppmerksomhet som er morsomt, det kan være veldig ubehagelig og man må tale mye ‘banter’ også. Så om folk tror det bare er moro så tar de feil, vi er mer utsatte på godt og vondt. Heldigvis er jeg tøff, jeg er fra Toten og har bein i nesa, man må ha det om man er i en mannskultur.

Jeg er ferdig med å bevise ting for folk, når det kommer til fotball så er jeg 100% og som jeg nevnte tidligere så er det bare naturlig for meg, jeg tenker ikke over at jeg er noe mer spesiell enn andre fordi jeg har mange følgere. Det er ingen konkurranse om å være den største og beste supporteren. Vennene og  kjæresten mine er like gira som meg de, men for de så holder det å poste et bilde nå og da på Instagram. For meg er det en rutine og gjøre det hver kamp.

Jeg får ofte spørsmålet hvorfor jeg er så stor fan, jeg er jente liksom og det er jo veldig spesielt..? Men det er jo ikke det, jeg har jo spilt fotball selv, det var i en divisjon med bare jenter det, ingen stussa på det? Men folk stusser på at jeg setter av en lørdag for å dra på pub for å se kamp eller at jeg drar til Manchester så ofte. Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor det er spesielt? Det virker kanskje som mange jenter prioriterer bort fotballen da de blir eldre? For da jeg vokste opp elsket nesten  alle i klassen fotball, uavhengig av kjønn. Men det endres med tiden og det er jo kjempekjipt! Så det er jo heller kanskje jeg som bør stille spørsmål om hvorfor det skjer? Hvorfor velger damer bort interessen da de blir eldre? Jeg kan jo bare svare for meg selv og det vil aldri skje, jeg vil jobbe for at det blir fler damer i feks Red Army Oslo, vi lager eventer alle kan delta på og jeg elsker å bli kjent med nye mennesker! Man må bare slutte å dømme folk, og heller bli mer inkluderende!

Vi er jo en stor, rød familie når det kommer til alt ❤️

International break and progress for United

Time flies and that’s good, I got five exams before Christmas so I should be stressed, especially when it’s getting closer and closer, but I can’t wait until I’m finished so I can leave the country again😂 it’s a tradition to go to Manchester in December for a game and visit the Christmas marked but I can’t make it this year unfortunately! But I have a long vacation (almost 3 weeks) after my exams are finished so I will travel then!

Weekends without the Premier League is so boring, even though international breaks happens every season it feels like a shock every time. Like wtf am I going to do this weekend 😂 I managed to fill this weekend with an early Christmas party with some of my best friends on Friday and since I got the mentality like an old lady I stayed home in the sofa with pillows and my duvet over me the rest of the weekend. Started (and finished) a show on HBO called In Between and it was really good!

I haven’t watched any of the international games actually, just the headlights. Nothing new though, Norway didn’t qualify and the earth is round.

What’s most important during the break is no players get injured, but I’m always happy to see the players doing good. Playing for their national team is big so hopefully it has given the chosen some extra motivation and for the other some well deserved rest. Can’t wait for the next game. I’m feeling a little bit optimistic and it’s a very good feeling after this horrible start..

Theres been two games since my last blog post, before the international break. Two games, two victories and SIX goals! We can chose to be all negative and complain about things we can’t fix, hate on others team or just keep on supporting United. I’ll chose the last option. No matter how much I hate other teams, United will always be my priority. So yes, Liverpool will probably win the league this season. But I really can’t be arsed about it now, it will ruin my daily life and mood if I’m stuck thinking about it so I won’t. But it’s clear VAR doesn’t live up to my expectations. The game against Liverpool and City was a perfect proof of that, when they don’t pick up on situations like those hands- and offside situations I give up. What’s the point with VAR then? In a big an important game like that the results could have been different if there was correct judgment, but nothing to do with it now.. that’s football I guess. Just hate technology that’s meant to help and the results are the opposite.

But United are showing progress and that makes me happy! We are far away of being a team like Liverpool and City, but can we all just try and remember back in time, every team goes trough a progress, a progress only time and/or money will fix and United are working on it. And as I said, were seeing progress, there’s been two really good games and I don’t care AT ALL that one team was Partizan. The boys played with passion, they had fun and for a supporter that’s exactly what I want to see! We are far from where we wanna be, but playing like this should be the standard! When you play forward you will get to chances! Kind of simple really, but I understand football is way more than what’s happening in the pitch. It’s young people dealing with their personal issues, they’re trying to fit in and that’s always hard. And being in a team where you know it’s a big change is of course hard on them because the psychological plays are a huge part. We can say they should bite their teeth together and suck it up, but when it’s psychologically it can’t be fixed that easily. We all know how much the players confidence matters and that’s a big part of that. Fred and Pereira are two good examples on that and look at them now!

I’m not convinced they are good enough, I still believe Pereira is a squad player at his best, but they have taken huge steps! Solskjær has given them time, they are starting to get comfortable out on the pitch and they have had a really good progress lately! I had almost given up on Fred, but look at him now. Now I can understand why we bought him and it’s like getting a new player in the team! He also looks so much more comfortable now, speaking up, taking shots and working  hard- I love it!

Hopefully we can continue playing this way, I can’t see a reason why we can’t so I got high expectations for the last games in 2019

Thoughts on Ole and the Saudi Arabian prince

Have I lost my faith in Solskjær? Am I just a naive Norwegian that will support him no matter what? Absolutely not.

The media and the fans went quiet just a little bit, but it didn’t last long. When we lose, everything is wrong. And I got opinions, you got opinions, the ‘Ole out’ people got opinions, the ‘football experts’ got opinions and we don’t agree with each other- it’s opinions!

No one can say for sure that Solskjær will succeed or not, it’s just your opinion. And even if my opinion leads to giving Solskjær many years to rebuild this team and take United to a successful season, I can’t guarantee it. But- I honestly believe this so strong, Solskjær is NOT happy with this team. He loves Manchester United and want to play attacking football, that’s in his DNA. And that’s the reason I want him as our manager now and for years to come! But he doesn’t have the team for it so the players are outdated and not good enough which leads to playing the ball back instead of forward because they are not comfortable with it (the team isn’t balanced, they don’t trust their teammates, they are not good enough etc). And this won’t change before we can get some new players- which again will take time. So we need to be patient here, why do so many people want a quick fix? Let Ole rebuild this team to his own.

I’m tired of sacking managers when things are rough, maybe Solskjær isn’t the right man for Manchester United as many critics have claimed- but sacking him now and bring in another one to again rebuild this team will not work either. To judge a manager they need time to prove their philosophy and also enough money and help to get players that fits his team. No one after Ferguson have gotten that and it’s embarrassing how we sing about other clubs sacking managers then go online and ask for the same for your club. We need to be careful what we ask for and that brings

me to my next topic..

Mohammed Bin Salmans. And I hope this was the first and last time I ever wrote his name. You can see where I’m going with this. Take the Glazers and the campaign against them now- which I support- but not at any cost. My friends gets shocked when I tell them what people are writing to me because I chose to keep my season ticket for example. I’m against the Glazers and I hate the way they have used our club to earn money and put us in deep debt. And having a season ticket means I have put money in their pocket- fine, I won’t argue on that. But my point is, I support the team, and if I gave up my ST the club would have sold it the next minute to another fan!! There are thousands of fans on the waiting list every year so that would never help!

If you are Glazers out and consistent about it, it basically means you can’t watch United anymore. Just support them trough your heart and mind and read the results in the paper. And that’s not enough for me, it’s selfish but I want to go and support my team in Manchester.

For me, football stands for equality and compassion. So having rumors that a prince from Saudi Arabia wants to buy Manchester United makes me sick. Sick and angry! My boyfriend mentioned it last week and I couldn’t even go into discussing it because I was fuming. And the reason I’m angry is because I’m a human f…. being, I have traveled around the world and met so many people from different backgrounds and cultures. I know people that loves the same gender, I have people very close to me that’s been sexually assaulted, people that are discriminated because of their sexuality or religion and I’m a woman who knows my rights. If these people I have met had lived in Saudi Arabia THEY would have been put in jail, gone trough even more assaults and even killed! Because they were raped they will be punished with jail, not the rapist. Women can finally drive a car there! Wow! Revolution that. And yes- there are many places in the world where it’s injustice! I wouldn’t be happy if there was a Russian dictator that wanted to buy United either! And maybe this guy doesn’t believe in the regime of his country, maybe he is one of the good guys?! If so- use your money and influence to fix your country!

I know everything in life isn’t just black and white. As I said, for all I know this is a good guy. But he represents the part of the world where it’s a living hell for many people. Where people don’t have HUMAN RIGHTS. I will have a huge problem if someone who represents that owns my club. It goes against my principles in life so yes, it would be a massive issue for me if that happens.

The modern football has already wiped away some of our values, but if this guy buys United we have sold our souls forever..

Do I know anyone who could borrow me £4 billions?

one step at a time

God mandag folkens, selv om jeg var stuptrøtt i dag tidlig så er jeg klar for mandag og ny uke! Dere sleit vel like mye som meg i går når det kom til å få se kampen så vår løsning hjemme ble å skru av mobilene våre og dra på kino. Vi så Joker og den skuffet ikke, Joaquin Phoenix er en av mine favorittskuespillere og en funfact er at han er også en av grunnene jeg er veganer. Han er også det og er en folka bak dokumentaren Earthlings og etter jeg så den så var det ingen vei tilbake for meg så takk for det Joaquin 💪🏽 Uansett, filmen var veldig bra og anbefales!

Da vi kom hjem kunne vi se reprisen, ganske håpløst å måtte skru av mobil og sitte sent oppe for å se en kamp som allerede har gått, men sånn ble det nå denne gangen.

Jeg skriver alltid mine meninger om kamper på forhånd på Instagram og Snapchat og jeg skrev på dagen i går at det er ikke et spørsmål om vi må vinne denne kampen, det er kun seier som er bra nok. Jeg er drittlei av dårlig spill og dårlig attityde, United må spille hver kamp i serien som om det skulle ha vært en finale. Ja, det er vel lov å drømme…?

Kanskje fordelen av å forvente lite er nettopp det jeg fikk oppleve i går, totalt sjokk og fryd over Gud vet hvor mange avslutninger på mål? Og det var underholdene?! Ja dette var moro og mer måtte det bli!!

Kampen var langt fra perfekt, det er fortsatt feil her og der, spillere som ikke hører hjemme i United, de må bli mer kliniske på mål og straffe skal alltid være = MÅL. Men dette, dette var stor PROGRESS!

Jeg skal ikke gå alt for dypt inn i eldre kamper, men jeg sa det etter Liverpool, at jeg håpte dette var et snupunkt for United. Endelig så spillerne skarpe ut og det var en plan, begge deler hadde manglet lenge i spillet. Og selv om spillet mot Partizan Beograd ikke var på United nivå (som vi vil ha det) så var det en veldig viktig borteseier. Den første siden natten i Paris! På tide med andre ord..

Vi kan se på andre lag som slår dårlige cuplag ned i støvla og forvente at vi også skal det, men er jeg den eneste som husker at det ikke er hverdags? Selvfølgelig har det hendt, men det er langt fra vanlig. Alle topplag har også røket ut mot små lag, det er slik cuper er og jeg er så lei fans som ikke skjønner dette og forventer 5-0 seiere hele tiden, spesielt med den stallen vi har nå. I slike kamper må enkelte hviles og spillere som ikke slipper til ellers får spilletid her, det sier seg selv at det er langt fra ‘en gåtur i parken’ 😂  men det vi skal ta med oss er unggutta, fy søren som de har imponert og hvor herlig er ikke det?? Disse kommer opp og frem mye pga skadesituasjonen så alt er ikke bare negativt. Kampen i Beograd var langt fra bra, men de klarte det de kom dit for. En borteseier og Williams imponerte stort! Debut og en så stor ro, fantastisk å se på!

En annen som har vokst er McTominay og jeg vil si han har vært den beste så langt denne sesongen, og at dette er en gutt fra vårt eget akademi er så deilig. Han viser at knallhard jobbing og tøff mentalitet lønner seg- som det også skal! Og da kommer vi over til sesongens store skuffelse.. mr JLingz burde endre varemerket til JLingZZZZ for det der er triste saker altså. Han er ikke en ung og talentfull gutt fra akademiet som trenger mer tid, han kommer aldri til å bli bedre enn dette og hadde mye heller passet et lag som feks Watford der han faktisk kunne bidratt, i United gjør han ikke det og jeg håper vi selger han nå i januar mens det er mulighet å få noe for han.

To borteseiere på rad, perfekt å møte Chelsea på onsdag og Bournemouth tidlig lørdag- dette blir en knall uke og jeg har troa 😁 og ja- jeg er optimist frem til det motsatte er bevist 😆


Happy Monday people! A part from I woke up super tired today, I’m ready for a new week! Because of strict (and ridiculous) rules, the game wasn’t shown anywhere in Norway yesterday and since watching just headlines or a stream isn’t an option for me, me and my boyfriend turned off our phones and went to the cinema and watch Joker. Amazing movie, Joaquin Phoenix is one of my favorite actors and also a big big reason I went vegan! He is also vegan and are one of the people behind the documentary Earthlings, which I watched and never looked back! Nothing to do with the movie of course, but a fun fact. The movie is a must watch 😁

Norway only showed the game after it was finished so we went home for dinner and the game later (I go early to bed that’s why I was so tired today because it was later than usual 😂)

I always post my match predictions on Instagram and Snapchat before games and yesterday I said what I’ve been saying for so long; nothing but a win is good enough. No question about it. I also said United have to play every game in the league now like it’s a final. No more of bad attitude and poor performances! Yeah, a girl can dream right?

Well, what a game?!?! It was entertaining, I was shocked 😂

The game wasn’t perfect, still flaws here and there, we should have been more clinical with the finishing and of course penalty = goal. We should have won at least 5-0. But we won 3-1 in a very entertaining game. PROGRESS PEOPLE!

I don’t like to write too much about previous games after there’s been a new one, it’s the past and the players are over it and are focusing on the new ones coming and so should we. But I said the Liverpool game could be a turning point. The players were sharp, they had a plan, both parts had been missing lately so we could only wish for this to continue.

Partizan Beograd was the first away win since the night in Paris. About time! The game wasn’t good at all, but let me remind you that United rarely has smashed opponents in games like this. That, and the state of our club..? We just can’t expect a big victory away when some of the players must be rested and the rest of the squad are getting minutes. I’m not going to analyze the game, it was bad l, but we got what we went there for. A win. Williams was definitely MOTM and I loved seeing him so comfortable, I love his style and I’m sure Solskjær will use him more often. Which means Luke Shaw really need to step up big time.

The youth have impressed me so much this season, important to remember, everything that’s happened this season isn’t bad. People are impatient and I get it, but it will turn. And this could be a start of it. I loved the link between Rash and Martial yesterday, just imagine those two with a proper midfield with creative world class players.

We talked about it yesterday as this was the 10th game in the league. Who has been the best player? Worst? For me it’s definitely McTominay who’s getting best player so far and nothing better than it being an academy player!! He’s so tough and I love his mentality,

hard work pays off- as it should! And speaking of hard work, the ‘medal’ for worst player goes to Lingard. I’m sorry but your time is up and time to go.. He won’t get any better and don’t contribute so when he comes on it’s like…great, one less player on the pitch and one new wrinkle in my face.

United won a comfortable win away in the league and it’s perfect for this week! Chelsea Wednesday and Bournemouth early Saturday, both hard games so this confident is so important.

Trough thick and thin

I had a bad feeling about Newcastle away, and unfortunately I was right. With this thin squad and several important players out, and United being on a really bad track, I knew it was going to be hard.

This situation is making me feel sick. Sick and almost heartbroken because I feel it won’t end good. I wasn’t surprised at all when Longstaff scored and because I love this sport I couldn’t help feeling happy for him. He played with passion and his feelings for his club said it all when he scored. That’s what football is all about and I miss it.

You know what I feel about Solskjær and I would have said the same about anyone else in his shoes right now. I’m backing him but he needs to be more ruthless and for ffs stick to a game plan. I’m really struggling to see what the players are practicing on training? It looks like they never played together and it’s awful to watch. Some players should have played their last minutes for Manchester United on Sunday and no matter how much I love Matas personality, he doesn’t deserve playing from start. You simply don’t run AWAY from the ball, simple as that. The players that should have stepped up has failed massively and I’ll blame they more than Solskjær.

Without knowing what’s going on in the dressing room, everything people are saying are simply speculations, but what Keane said back in April has some truth in it; ‘ leopards doesn’t change their spots, these are the same players that threw Mourinho under the bus and they’ll do exactly the same to Ollie.’

There has to be some truth in it because I refuse to believe that Solskjær is happy with this. And for what he’s saying to the press, come on. Have you ever had a job where you don’t agree on how to do things/say things but because it’s your boss you have to stick with it?! What do you guys really think would happen if he said it as it was? Of course Ole wanted midfielders and at least one striker, but he can’t go out saying the team he got now is poor. He has to stay positive, we all know what happened to our managers who went to the media admitting they don’t have a clue or start to blame the board/players. This is Solskjærs dream job and he will do what’s in his power to make United great again. I can even understand he using Mata, Matic, Young etc because if he hadn’t he would have get massive abuse for not using players with experience. When results are missing, everything you do is wrong.

Relegation? Would have been fun that, good old games against Leeds again, the fans that’s here just for glory would be gone and maybe also the Glazers as well? 😂

We got ONE world class player in this team and that’s David De Gea. Man I felt for him during his post match interview. But it was honest and truthful. He can’t throw the players under the bus but he’s clearly not happy with their performances.

And players like De Gea is part of the reason I will back this team. First of all I will always support Manchester United because as a fan that’s just what you do no matter results, but even though I agree there’s many players that needs to go, the squad isn’t full rotten. There’s a lot of potential, our new signings and the youth are very exciting and they need us! We can’t only be there for the team when they win and when it’s bad they use the Glazer excuse to not support the team anymore. That’s just so wrong in my eyes, I want the Glazers out as well but I will always back the team. It’s trough thick and thin remember..

Embarrassing and boring

Going home with 1 point after playing away in Europe isn’t that bad. But United yesterday was a disaster. I couldn’t figure out what their plan was, it was just.. awful!

We’re getting used to bad results now, and as long as there’s some kind of progress (like we we’re playing youngsters etc) I can deal with it, but I CAN NOT DEAL WITH BAD PERFORMANCE. So many players should feel ashamed over their performance. I have played football myself so I know so very well it’s hard but it’s not hard to try your best. Simple as that. Only positive thing was Williams, I really like him and he was the man of the match in my eyes. Says it all really..

It was a really bad pitch, we have so many players out with injuries and yesterday we combined players that’s probably not meant for the future-not good enough (except 4)  with youngsters that need time to progress so we can’t expect it to be a 5-0 game and a show off but we can and must expect more than this!!

Fans are so impatient and Solskjær needs to go all out next game. United have to score goals and win comfortable. How we’re going to do that away without Pogba, Wan-Bissaka and Martial is beyond me but it’s much needed.

Big game tonight

Playing against Arsenal is always something special because one of the first games I watched as a kid was against them and we got some legendary matches to look back at. But I have to be honest, part of the buzz is gone. I don’t have the typical matchday feeling and I hate it, especially when it’s a big game!

Big games always excites me and I think about the game all day, but I’m not looking forward to another humiliation on Old Trafford 😂 and don’t get me wrong- I will ALWAYS support United no matter how shit they are, I will continue going to games and cheer them on. Hopefully the feeling will get to me later today when I’m at the pub with my friends. It’s a different feeling going into the game without being nervous, if we win it’s gonna be amazing and a big victory for United, but I’m realistic and I’m just hoping for the best 🙉

It would be sooooo good seeing some proper football tonight so fingers crossed but I’m prepared for the opposite as well.


Solskjær in

Manchester United, the only football club in the world with 1 billion managers..

To have ‘Solskjær in’ as a header is ridiculous, but necessary. I’m gonna try writing this blogpost without too much swearing, but I can’t promise you that. We lost against West Ham and we’re all f… frustrated about the result. Or lack of results to be more correct.. BUT- if you seriously want Solskjær out now, IN SEPTEMBER, you have forgotten what Manchester United is all about. We all want to see the youth coming trough, we want the deadwood out, we want entertainment and good results. If you know anything about football or sports in general you also know taking over a team that was way over due date (Ferguson’s team) it’s going to take a long time building Manchester United up again. When 3 managers has tried and been fired after a short period you know Solskjær was put in a very tough situation. He’s still struggling with Fergies leftovers plus Moyes, van Gaals and Mourinhos failed philosophies, transfers and attitude with individuals and as a team. It’s not going to take one summer of transfers, it’s going to take YEARS! Are you in for that?

Top 4 is our best chance this season and I said that before the season started. I will also take many bad and ‘failed’ seasons if it means that Solskjær is rebuilding the team. It’s a progress that needs time.

Solskjær gets criticized no matter what he does and it pisses me off. He was too soft when I wanted every player to get a change when he took over, people was screaming that the deadwood had to go- and he did exactly that! Players that didn’t deliver and who fans were writing week after week wasn’t good enough are now cut in half. He’s clearly working on getting players out and the right ones in. What to I read now? That he’s stupid for letting them go. Jesus f… Christ. Lukaku was unprofessional, stated in his social media that he wanted to leave, didn’t show up for training, that – and with poorer first touch than me and not scoring goals which is he’s number one job out there – why should we keep paying him millions without any thing back? Do you really believe he would have fought out there on Sunday?? Not getting a replacement wasn’t the best but rather playing the youth than keep on having players that don’t want to be in the club here…?! You can’t win with these kind of fans. It’s totally normal to want your team to win and get results, but be realistic!

I wasn’t happy with the team Sunday and who Solskjær chose to start and to substitute is on him. I’m not trying to be naive and just support him, he needs to smarter with who he picks. Matic and Mata isn’t good enough but I guess he picked them for their routine. The ones that deserve to be yelled at after West Ham are mostly the PLAYERS! No passion, no desire. That’s on the players because they have fuck all out there. Solskjær doesn’t have the ultimate team yet so he has to try and fail with those he got. And it’s getting clearer and clearer who’s not going to be a part of the future of this club. Our biggest problem isn’t Solskjær, it’s the lack of quality in our squad. United doesn’t have the depth we need right now so there’s gonna be more disappointing results, it’s probably gonna get worse before it gets better.

I’m 100% behind project Solskjær and I got many reasons, the biggest is that he got a plan and he will do it in ‘United traditions’. I also believe the board has understood now that they need to back him financially and it’s not done in one transfer window, but he’s in his way making his own team.

Even if you are Solskjær out, a new manager wouldn’t fix a thing right now so instead of bringing more shit to the table, shut it and be patient.

I asked for your opinions on my Instagram and with over 10 000 answers(!) my head is boiling 😂 luckily, most of us do have faith in Solskjær  and I think it’s important to show our support. If you’re not able to travel to Manchester and support the team on Old Trafford, show your support on social media. It’s too toxic now and it will only make our situation worse.

west ham borte

Det ble en sliteseier mot Astana torsdag kveld, dette er et lag United skal vinne over uansett, men det ble ikke så lett. Jeg var overrasket over at Solskjær stilte med både Chong, Gomes og Greenwood fra start, men positivt overrasket! Samtidig forsto jeg at jeg måtte nedjustere forventningene litt. Som sagt, Astana er et lag United skal vinne over, både A-laget og B-laget skal vinne greit mot de. Men seieren satt langt inne og mange var misfornøyde med resultatet. Jeg synes det er litt urettferdig egentlig, jeg forstår frustrasjonen 100%, men når vi alle har uttrykt ønske at vi vil se unggutta spille og endelig får det så må vi skjønne at kampen ikke blir like lett! Hadde Rashford vært mer klinisk hadde det sett helt annerledes ut, men Greenwood- som har vært i klubben siden han var 6 år- avgjorde og sikret seier til United. Ikke noe er bedre enn å oppleve slike situasjoner og dette er en av grunnene jeg har stor tro på Solskjær. Han kommer til å satse på disse gutta og videreføre Uniteds tradisjon med å utvikle egne spillere.

I dag venter betraktelig tøffere motstand og med viktige spillere ute så blir dette en vanskelig kamp. Jeg er ikke sikker på seier i det hele tatt, skal vi vinne må United opp flere nivåer enn de var mot Leicester. Med Young fra start, Pogba og Martial ute så har jeg mine tvil. Vi alle hadde nok ønsket å se Greenwood igjen i dag, men det er helt riktig av Solskjær å hvile han. Han starter garantert på onsdag og det er alt for hardt å sende han ut i dag mot dette laget. Veldig fornøyd med at James starter, la oss håpe det går vår vei!

Uansett; there’s only on United!!!


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