An update

Og prisen til “dårligste blogger” går til…

Jeg føler jeg stadig sier at jeg skal bli flinkere til å oppdatere her inne, men jeg må bare beklage, og legge til at det tar utrolig mange timer å lage et innlegg, spesielt på to ulike språk. Så tiden strekker ikke alltid til. Instagram er blitt min “favorittkanal” da jeg kan kombinere bilder og tekst og samtidig nå ut til veldig mange! Blogging er ikke like populært lenger, mange har gått over til YouTube, Tik Tok osv, men jeg kommer til å fortsette med blogging, bare mer kvalitet over kvantitet! Jeg har alltid blogget fordi jeg elsker å skrive og dele mine tanker og opplevelser. Og jeg har jo mange tanker. Grunnen til jeg vil fortsette her selv om jeg hovedsakelig er mest på andre sosiale medier er at her kan jeg skrive så mye jeg vil. Virkelig tømme alle tankene ut i ord, på Twitter for eksempel er det maks 140 ord og det er umulig å få ut meningen min uten at ordene blir vridd på. Og det er ganske slitsomt egentlig, å måtte forsvare egne meninger. Jeg er ferdig med det så jeg prøver å begrense meg til å oppholde meg der, jeg har blitt mye mer bevisst på hva sosiale medier gjør med oss. Og det er utvilsomt en ting vi bruker alt for mye tid på, og når det samtidig er mye negativitet og jeg sitter igjen med en dårlig følelse så er det noe jeg nå jobber aktivt med å begrense. Anbefaler virkelig alle til å gjøre det samme for det er jo litt trist å se hvor mye tid vi bruker med nesa i mobilen.. Så når du først er pålogget, bruk det til noe postivit og hyggelig 😉

Det jeg virkelig hater med å være så dårlig på å blogge er at jeg aldri rekker å legge ut om kampen og følelsene mine rundt det, før det har vært en ny kamp igjen med et helt annet resultat og da går det liksom ikke.

“Inconsistency United FC”

Denne sesongen har virkelig vært en berg- og dalbane. Det er klin umulig å spå et resultat. Den ene dagen er det tvers igjennom verdensklasse og en fryd å se United spille, jeg sitter igjen med verdens beste følelse! For så neste kamp det helt motsatte, det ser ut som laget aldri har trent sammen og det er 90 fæle minutter. Utrolig frustrerende!

Mange er nå “Ole out” og det er.. vondt. Vi alle vil det beste for laget vårt. Men å få inn Poch vil bare føre til at om et år eller to så er vi her igjen. Og jeg sier ikke det fordi jeg er synsk, men fordi atferden til klubben og resultatene viser at det vil skje. Og jeg orker ikke nok en runddans med litt gode resultater, og når det butter i mot- for det vil det med det laget her med hvilken som helst manager, så er vi tilbake med å rope etter en ny manager. Solskjær ble ikke ansatt for å vinne titler med en gang, men om du ikke kan se forbedringer i lag og prestasjoner så ser vi ulike kamper…

Problemer er at de aldri klarer å være konsekvente. Jeg forstår mye av kritikken mot Solskjær. Samtidig har han måtte hvile spillere og laget skal være gode nok til å slå de fleste lag uten Bruno og Rash.. Men det er de tydeligvis ikke. United har hatt en forferdelig statistikk på å ligge under denne sesongen og fans skriker da om lineup og bytter, men her bør faktisk Solskjær få litt cred også. Han kan ikke, på grunn av skader og rulering, alltid starte med det samme laget. Men han har klart å snu resultatet og endt med seier fem (tror jeg?) ganger nå denne sesongen, og selv om vi selvfølgelig aldri vil ligge under, er det en bra prestasjon! Det vitner om riktige bytter, at det han sier til laget går inn, at spillerne har en vinner-mentalitet. Kan være vanskelig å se enkelte ganger, men til slutt er det resultatet som betyr noe. Det virker som fansen enten har glemt eller aldri forstått hva Fergie time betydde?!? Jeg kan huske mang en gang en frustrert Olsen under SAF også bare så det er sagt. Virker som en del av fanskaren har korttidshukommelse..

Jeg føler også at mange tror jeg er naiv og jeg får ‘Norske-kortet’ slengt etter meg. Men for å si det for endte gang: jeg hadde støttet hvilken som helst manager. 100%. Om Poch hadde vært ledig for to år siden ville jeg heller hatt han enn Ole. Men ikke nå. Nettopp fordi vi har prøvd dette litt for mange ganger, Ole må få denne sesongen minst. Er det helt krise i mai så får vi se. Nå gjør jo ikke akkurat City det så veldig bra, tenk om Pep blir ledig? Da snakker vi… Men enn så lenge støtter jeg Solskjær. Det er så trist at de fleste fans er så lite tålmodige. Det skal sparkes folk over en lav sko kun for å vinne, vi har faktisk blitt akkurat som de andre lagene og ordet ‘plastikk-supportere’ begynner å ta over her også.. Trist. Folk oppfører seg som alt er over, det er det ikke.

Champions League er over, men med det laget her er det like greit. Når de ikke klarer å ta ETT POENG på to kamper så kan det være. Jeg har fortsatt maretitt om Young vs Messi så det trenger jeg faktisk ikke oppleve live en gang til haha

Solskjær bomma på taktikken i den kampen, men at forsvarsspillerne glemte hvordan de forsvarer er mer krise. De er profosjonelle spillere som har dette som jobb, det var en bekmørk start på Leipzig kampen og spiller vi så dårlig, orker jeg ikke tanken på å møte Bayern, Barca, Real osv..

Da er det bedre med Europa League, si! Neida.. Det er faktisk nitrist, jeg sliter helt sykt med motivasjonen til å gire meg opp til de kampene der…

I dag er det en historisk kamp, vi møter Leeds United første gang etter de rykket opp og jeg er så spent. Dette blir ikke en lett kamp.. Vinner vi kampene vi ligger bak tabelltopp er vi kun 2 poeng bak og derfor er det faktisk- endelig- alt for tidlig å avskrive United som gullkandidat. Det blir ekstremt spennende fremover, og ikke at det er noe nytt, men hver kamp er avgjørende. Solskjær må stille med det beste laget hver kamp i Premier League nå, spikre en startellever så godt det lar seg gjøre og starte å få inn konsistitet i laget. Er så spent i dag atte hjelp..!

Jeg har skrevet litt mer på engelsk om blant annet Pogba- situasjonen. Men jeg er så lei det nå så les det på translate please 😂


And the “worst blogger” award goes to.. 😂

Sorry, I keep saying I will improve, but posting blog post takes hours, several hours more if I do in both languages. So I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll focus on my Instagram on matchdays, I still love to post my predictions and thoughts afterwards and it’s much easier on that platform. And even though blogging isn’t as popular as it used to be, the top bloggers have quit and does Tik Tok etc now, but I still love blogging so I will definitely continue with it. Never done this for likes, when my head is filled different thoughts and emotions I have always used writing as a technique to get it out and I feel relieved afterwards so yes.. I’ll try to be better because I have much on my mind 😆 And the reason I love this platform, is because here, there’s no limit on the writing. On Twitter you can’t really get your full opinions out in one tweet and words get twisted and I’m done arguing with other fans. They can have their opinions on me and my kind of support but if they dislike it that much, why on earth are you giving me attention? Like, move on, no hard feelings 😂

The one thing I hate about the absence here is that I LOVE to share my thoughts and emotions after a game. I go to bed looking forward to write about the game the next day, but then life and my studies happens and I don’t have time until it’s a new game and then we get a total different United. It’s seriously been like heaven and hell this season!!

Inconsistency United..
This season has been a roller coaster, it’s very hard to predict a result. One day the guys are so good, then for the next day it feels like they haven’t trained together, ever. Very, very frustrating to watch.

Many fans have turned on Solskjær and it’s really hard to read to be honest. We all want what’s best for United. But to bring in Poch? We will be in this position again in one or two years? Why am I saying this? Because it’s happened again, again and again. Solskjær wasn’t hired by the club to do a quick fix, but if you can’t see improvements we are watching different games..

The problem is the inconsistency, I do understand some of the criticism toward Solskjær. But we should win against team without Rash and Bruno. They were giving so much needed rest and the team were shit. They came on and we won. Fans are screaming about the subs, but Solskjær has- and you have to give him cred for that- turned around the match (I think it’s 5 games??) and that proves the team got winner mentality, team spirit and the team listen to their manager. Have people forgotten what Fergie times mean? Honestly… or maybe they weren’t fans back then because it wasn’t popular on social media?! And yes, he has also done some strange subs, but that happens in football, some days it works and some days it doesn’t. If you haven’t seen a player gotten his second yellow card before you are lost😂 It happens, and you learn. The boss said so himself, after this result it cost us and it was stupid. But- Fred was actually good in the second half and it wasn’t a yellow card. So a wrong mistake cost us.

I feel like many thinks I’m naive and I get the “Norwegian card” thrown at me a lot. I’ll say it again: I would have supported any manager if it was another man than Ole! 100%. If Poch was available two years ago at this time I would have said go for him! But now now. I’ll give Solskjær this season. And it makes me sick that we are so inpatient. We have actually turned into all the other clubs that throw the manager under the bus after a poor period. Nothing would make me happier if Solskjær get a trophy this season. People are acting like everything is over. It’s not.

Our team has nothing to do in the Champions League when we play like this. I’ll put this on Solskjær (yes, critics look at this😂): not being able to get ONE POINT out of two games.. That’s bad and whatever tactics they chose against Leipzig was the biggest mistake. Wan-Bissaka suddenly forgot how to defend? Five defenders and none of them showed up at work. I struggle big time to understand how professional players can be this poor. When it’s all they do. United are only able to beat the top teams when we play our best team. Unfortunately injuries will occur, but that happens to every team. Our squad isn’t good enough. We can talk about how money United ha spent, but it isn’t good enough!

It was a tough group and I wasn’t sure to go trough at first. But United surprised us with some good games and got our hopes up. They started to play football when there’s 20min left in a crucial game. Not good enough and as I said, we have nothing to do in the Champions League. Seeing PSG draw Barca I was actually relieved, he’ll no I don’t wanna go trough that again😂 Me and Alex traveled to Manchester for the game 2 years ago and Young vs Messi still haunts me in my sleep😂 So roll on Europe League 😃😃😃

I’m joking! I can’t really see how I will find the motivation to cheer on the team in that league.. In my eyes, with full focus on the Premier League we are title contenders and that should be the focus plus the English cups, not Europa League! Send the reserve team, there’s so many good teams as well in it this season so it will be good for the boys! Unnecessary to put our first team on the flight and risk more injuries and tiredness. Martial and Pogba can join though!

And that takes me to the next topic: the never ending Pogba story.

The game against Leipzig was so far this season the biggest and most important game. So reading that Pogbas agent saying he doesn’t want to be at United and “he’s done” made my blood boil! It wasn’t a surprise, but the timing.

First of all: yes, it was his agent saying it and I know how media twist things! That’s why I actually have defended Pogba for all these years!! I know when a paper ask I’m about his future, Spain etc they will twist it to he wants to leave. And I (unfortunately) don’t expect true loyalty towards us. It’s so rare and how the world has turned out, I get it. We all wished Ronaldo all the best leaving, so should I do with Pogba if he just would have show us respect and cut the bullshit. Saying “time will tell, I’m happy now but who knows in the future” etc are fine! It’s business and I get it.

But back to his agent; the agent represent Pogba. He does whatever is the best for Pogba. (Also fine). But to talk about this subject the same week his player finally has had a good game and would probably start a game… WHY? Why now?! When he could easily say the same bs as usual “we will see, he has options” bla bla. But to state his time is over in Manchester United and should leave.. No respect! Pogba posted a very bla bla post event tho I said he hated all the talking. If he just could say; I’m happy at United, this is my focus, let’s go! – all this hate and talking wouldn’t be here, or at least not towards himself. Because Pogba is paying his agent, if the agent were constantly talking shit I would be fired. But he’s not. No smoke without fire and so on..

I have written about Pogba many times, that I feels he’s misunderstood at times, that media have an agenda to make noise and that fans find mistakes in everything he does. I have stood up for him and said as long he’s here, he’s a United player and most things from the media are bullshit, made up for likes and attention. I’ve said let his action on the pitch speak and ignore the rest. Now I’m done. It’s ridiculous and it seems like the agent and the player actually wants to be hated. Paul Pogba you should leave our club.

I will not write shit about Pogba, he is a talented player, but he is not irreplaceable.

The club doesn’t need this kind of constant mess, my patience is up and it’s best for both parts that he moves on.

No one is bigger than the club.

Things aren’t perfect now, and it will take time to be a rock solid world class team, but when they click.. That’s the beautiful game and team I fell in love with.

Since me and Alex have both passed dirty thirty, it may not be a stupid idea to invest in a heart starter because this isn’t good for our health! And I guess our neighbors must think we’re having a turbulent relationship as I’m yelling and screaming, so maybe I need to put up a note saying “United game 17:30 we’re not fighting”😂

I wasn’t nervous before the game Wednesday, but definitely not confident either as we’re so little consistent plus Sheffield has to take point sooner or later. It would be typical if it happened against us. The first goal is a mistake that never should happen. I said before the game that it would be interesting to see if Henderson got a start against his former teammates, I still put De Gea as the best so even tho I’m a big fan of Henderson we should always play our best team. You can say it’s a keeper blooper, but that pass from Maguire.. We call it “kompispasning” in Norwegian and a pass like that is just not ok from a player like Maguire. Terrible! And again United are 0-1 down.. getting boring isn’t it..

But we won- again from coming back. Again making it harder for ourself and never comfortable!!

Today is yet another big game. Every game now is. But also a historical one. We face Leeds United and I can’t wait. Growing up that was a team you had to hate, as I’m not as childish as I use to be I’m focusing on love not hate(😂😂) but it will be proper good beating them!!


Blogger hovedsaklig om Manchester United og livet som fotballsupporter. Kontakt: [email protected]
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